There’s a bit more love in blogland today. First there was the lovely Disney man with nice things to say about me. And now there is Sumyunglibrarian.
I suppose having passable spelling, sentence structure and a few original ideas will get you somewhere, sometimes.
So, a big welcome if I have 8 shiny new readers today. I apologize for the weird template/sidebar at the bottom of the page issue. It ought to correct itself sometime. My interests include library issues, making ice cream, baking, reality type TV, Neopets, and belly dancing. And, If you found my blog by doing a search for something involving that Jell-O pudding commercial. Shame on you! You are not my friend! Do not encourage them!
As for the request for a story, It’s crunch time at the end of the semester now, and I don’t have all that much energy to be entertaining. But I’ll try to flush out my webpage story a little more.
My gov docs professor is a flake. In the end it finally worked out for me, because she decided to cancel one of our last 2 assignments, and give us full credit for the other one (so she wouldn’t have to redo the grading rubric).
I’m in a distance learning program. My classes usually meet less often than once a month, if at all. I’ve finally decided that not having that before and after class chatting time makes people panic. Also, some of the people in my program are not very tech savvy. And combine the normal panic with non-tech savvy panic, and you have panic 2.0.
So, Prof flake tries for weeks to squelch the panic, and after she realizes that people are not going to stop with the panic, and the school really won’t give us web space. She extends the due date by 2 weeks, and offers a completely different alternate assignment. The logical alternate assignment would be a paper (or word document in this case, because we turn things in electronically) pathfinder with the same info you’d put on a web pathfinder. That’s not what the assignment was. I’m going to the final class meeting tomorrow, I’m very curious to find out who opted for the much more annoying essay assignment.
I tried my hand at web page making back in the late 90’s, when that was what all the cool nerd kids were doing. It wasn’t hard then. And it’s even easier now. Have you tried Google’s new web space? It’s just as easy as anything. And I’m sure there’s tons of others just as easy. Did anyone bother directing anyone to them? Of course not. I dared not speak up for fear of provoking a good old fashioned tar and feathering mob. And I’m still a bit comment shy after totally pissing my online searching professor off by pointing out mistakes in the textbook, then asking why we were spending half the semester learning the ins and outs of Dialog Classic when a good 95% of us will never use it in the future, and it will most likely be dead in a few years.
I worry about my chosen profession. I hope the young, good and adaptable grow into positions of power. But based on my classmates, and my natural cynicism, I think we may have a better chance of robots taking over the world.
At May 05, 2006 7:29 PM,
Kenny said…
I hadn't heard about Google's new webspace. Wow, they do everything. I may have to retire my Homestead site, which is not only useless but costs money.
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