Pour some sugar on me
I tried to ignore it yesterday as an AP story, but today it hits home. I'm just fighting a losing battle. Sugar is not your enemy! And when you all die from cancer causing fake sugar, I'll be laughing and making cookies on your grave.
Locally, soda pop has already fizzled out on school campuses
The beverage companies agreed to sell only water, unsweetened juice and low-fat and non-fat milk, flavored and unflavored, in elementary and middle schools. Diet sodas and sports drinks will be sold in high schools.
In the South Bay and elsewhere in California, sugary sodas probably will be a thing of the past on public school campuses by the time the agreement kicks in. California law requires half of all non-diet sodas to be removed by July 2007 and the rest by 2009.
At May 04, 2006 11:11 AM,
Zack said…
In the South Bay
At May 04, 2006 11:31 AM,
Zack said…
School vending machines are an iffy prospect anyhow. Making a deal with Coke to sell canned soda to a captive audience may make good business sense, I realize. But schools exist to provide a service to children and, indirectly, children's parents and communities. I think it's appropriate for a school official to step back and say, you know, this is filling our coffers, but maybe it is impacting our ability to help our students and community in some other ways. For example, high calorie intake from nutritionally empty foods will tend to result in either fat kids or nutrient deficiency, all else being equal. For another, the caffeine/sugar spike makes for tired, unreceptive students a couple hours later.
I think, though, that a school that removes Coke from its vending machines but still operates candy bar fundraising is not being fair to anyone.
I knew a lot of kids in high school who had 20oz Cokes for breakfast. Aaand I know Lydia, now, although to her credit (?) she supplements that with a corndog.
At May 04, 2006 12:02 PM,
Kenny said…
If they're going to get rid of regular sodas, they should get rid of all sodas and just break kids of the sweetened beverage habit.* Offering exclusively diet sodas is a kick in the fucking balls.
*I have no illusions that removing soft drinks from schools will actually break kids of their sweetened beverage habit.
At May 04, 2006 12:24 PM,
Zack said…
complex carbohydrates
this is for my own reference
real post to follow in approx. 12 hrs
must leave for work
At May 04, 2006 10:38 PM,
C said…
you all know that it's a rare occasion that i drink soda that doesn't have alcohol in it. but the fact that sugared soda is considered bad for you while diet soda isn't really irks me.
ahhh, the good old days, when our ASB was sponsored by Surge, and there was a giant gree machine, selling that disgusting green stuff on the cheap.
At May 04, 2006 10:55 PM,
Zack said…
Sugar dissolves in water. Are there any complex carbohydrates (read: slowly digested carbohydrates) that dissolve in water? Can we make sodas out of them? Like drinkable pasta.
I understand if you don't think this was worth a 12 hour wait. Sorry.
Also: fizzy Jello. Possible? Fizzy, viscous drinkable quasi-Jello. Awesome? How would I make it?
At May 05, 2006 8:32 PM,
C said…
when i was sick my grandma had me drink the warm jello liquid. and it cools completely before it jells. I bet you could mix that with some setlzer water, or something. I'm not sure how shelf stable it would be though.
but there's way too much talk of jello on this blog.
At July 06, 2022 5:23 AM,
Tara said…
Appreciate you blogging thiis
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