ice cream making and ranting

Wednesday, April 26, 2006



7:00 on the Discovery Channel

I get satellite, so all my cable channels are 3 hrs ahead. This mean you have just under 3 hrs to secure youself in front of a cable TV and watch the Discovery Channel's How It's Made show

Why would you do this? Because it almost made my head explode. Have you ever seen a chicken hatchery factory??? do you know the chicks hatch, then they're put in plastic boxes, and they're dumped on a conveyor that separates the shells from the eggs. Then another conveyor where human factory workers separate the boys from the girls and toss them down a chute. Then they're packed up in boxes of 102 to be sent out. There are THOUSANDS of baby chicks. Thousands!!

I would never believe anyone who told me about this. And there's no way I could grasp this by reading it. This is must see TV!!!

I'm off to order me a box of chicks. Anyone want a few, or like 20?


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