My video game post
What's wrong with me? I'm posting about video games. I bet you all never thought you'd see the day.
My sister somehow convinced my dad to fish our old atari computer out of the garage, because she thought it would be fun. I don't know the the exact model off hand, but this thing is a good 20 years old. And because we had this, we never got a nintendo, therefore not exposing me to loads of pop culture that would have proven useful for me in the future.
and then i read this this on yahoo news today.
I haven't spent much time with the new/old toy yet. But, so far, IT'S B-O-R-I-N-G yet oddly time consuming. You think i'd just stop when it's not fun anymore, but i just keep waiting for it to get good. For a person who spends no time playing video games, you'd think they would be a bit harder. and maybe less boring. at least the music is good.
i have yet to play the classics like pac man, donkey kong, q-bert, dig-dug and pong. but if the games i have played, including popeye, frogger and food fight, are any indication, i should just sell the whole thing on ebay.
i guess video games are not for me. the new ones are too hard, and the old ones are too boring.
classic games convention. whatever!
At June 23, 2004 3:39 PM,
lydia said…
um, hello? Ham-Ham Heartbreak? How can you say video games are not for you when there are at least 2 Hamtaro games out in the English speaking world? I myself prefer Harvest Moon, of course, but despite how adorable it is, and though it involves wooing girls into marrying you, I think you might find the farming bits tedious.
At June 23, 2004 10:42 PM,
Zack said…
Frogger, Q-Bert, and Popeye are all laaaaaaaame (Pac-Man and Donkey Kong are the only good ones you listed)! I love older games, but Atari is crap. Sell it and buy an 8-bit NES.
Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo, 1985) is better than the preceding 7 years of games put together, and it's not nearly the best NES game. You probably know I co-own a Nintendo sweatshirt. When I see someone with an Atari shirt, I think less of them.
the new ones are too hard, and the old ones are too boring.I think this is the opposite of true. Games got easier as they got more mainstream, with a few hardcore exceptions like Viewtiful Joe (Capcom, 2003) and Ninja Gaiden (Tecmo, 2004) thrown out there to appeal to folks who grew up on tough games like Ninja Gaiden (Tecmo, 1988). New games like Wind Waker (Nintendo, 2003) and the Final Fantasy series, VI through X (Square, 1994-2001), are easy, and lots of fun, but sometimes boring. The old ones you've played are only boring because they suck. What new ones have you tried?
At June 24, 2004 12:59 AM,
Kenny said…
I'll concur that games are easier. I beat Super Mario World, but I never beat Super Mario Bros. 1-3. You get to save all the time now. You used to have to finish a game in one sitting. On the other hand, old games you could finish in an hour or two once you got good. Now if a game is less than 40 hours of play time, people get upset. But I guess with old games you had to log that kind of time just to get good.
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