McDonalds cont'
The McDonald's i went to yesterday has pictures of its charity projects on the wall and stuff. it's a little odd. but this little kid probably under 4 yrs old points at some old picture of someone and Sam the 1984 olympic eagle, and asks "who's that". and with only a very short pause the mom answered back correctly that it was sam the eagle. I thought for sure that she wouldn't know. She looked like the dumb type. Obviously she wasn't smart or she wouldn't be feeding her kids such food at such a young age. then I tried to figure out how i knew the answer was sam the eagle. i have no memories of the 1984 olympics. certainly, the olympics are boring now, they must have been horribly boring for my four year old self. and i don't know any olympic mascots since then. i'm confused. was sam super popular, or is it just an la thing? i just used the phrase "la thing". arrgh!
At June 19, 2004 10:14 AM,
lydia said…
um, I'm guessing that Sam the 1984 Olympic eagle is different than Sam the Eagle of Muppets fame? If so, I don't know/remember the former, and maybe it really is an LA thing. Sam the Eagle is great, though, especially as Mr. Samuel Arrow in Muppet Treasure Island.
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