Berkeley legalizing prostitution?
Obviously they can't legalize it, because they're just some dumb city. But they can decriminalize it, i guess. Maybe those massage parlors will open again. And, any poor kid who somehow ends up on a web cam having sex with a prostitute will only have to be embarassed, and not worry about legal action against him. And that gay purple teletubby will not only be welcomed openly by the city council, he can have a prostitute while he's visiting too.
An open letter to the Berkeley city council.
Seriously, city council. I don't know why you would decline to comment on legalizing prostitution, you do so much other crap. Afraid you'll all finally be ousted for pissing off too many people? We know your opinions on teletubbies, and we know you hate students, renters. What about prostitutes? I need to know, so i can form the opposite opinion.
I don't care anymore. I'm never going to live in Berkeley again. But really, do something useful for a change. Stop bitching about how the University takes over your precious little hippie hovel and realize that without the University you might not even have a hovel. And that thing about not being able to "own" pets. Pure crap. Maybe I should come steal your dog. Since you don't own him, it's not really stealing, is it? Work on apartment buildings near campus, bring in some corporate money to help. You know what also would be helpful, allowing businesses to stay open past 6pm without a special permit. Focus on things you can change, not the things you can't. And remember that law about sitting on the sidewalk? Don't do any more crap like that. You're as useless as the ASUC, but older, so you should know better.
If you stop debating useless and stupid things, you'll probably have more time on your hands than you know what to do with. Let me offer you a suggestion: Instead of debating, and passing bills and such post your dumbass ideas on a blog. It will take up your time, you'll still allow people to hear your useless ideas, and it will improve your typing speed. Believe me, this blog thing works to relieve your boredom.
p.s. I just heard about w ketchup, you may want to purchase some so you can debate it and declare it evil. If you do, can I please buy a bottle off of you? It only makes sense to buy in bulk, and I don't eat very much ketchup.
wow, i must be really bored today.
At June 24, 2004 6:20 PM,
Kenny said…
Wow, I know Cynthia can do opinionated ranting, but I've never seen such a long one in text form before.
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