Mindset List 2010
It's here again, and after last year, I guess I'll report again.
The Mindset List is out again, made by Beloit College, a private school of 1,200 people that thinks it knows what it's talking about.
Class of 2010 Mindset list
Let's look at a few, shall we??
A coffee has always taken longer to make than a milkshake.
Huh?? Does anyone know what this refers to?
Faux fur has always been a necessary element of style.
Really, always??
Milli Vanilli has never had anything to say.
When was the last time Milli Vanilli was relevant?
Computerized player pianos have always been tinkling in the lobby.
What? who's lobby? Huh?
They have no idea why we needed to ask "...can we all get along?"
That's not the right quote is it?
Ken Burns has always been producing very long documentaries on PBS.
Oh, they watch PBS, but they don't know Rodney King? I don't even know who Ken Burns is.
Sara Lee has always made underwear.
I had to look this one up. Sara Lee, parent company owns Playtex, and more... I'm pretty sure kids today don't know that anymore than I do, and I'm sure it's not relevant to anyone's life.
At August 23, 2006 4:34 PM,
Sarah the Hussy said…
I just did a blogsearch on this and got a lot of hits whining, "Boohoo, I'm so old!" I don't feel sad that I'm getting older. I feel sad that people are morons.
At August 24, 2006 12:19 AM,
Kenny said…
See, you used to have to mix a milkshake, and a coffee was just something you poured from the pot you brewed that morning. Now coffees are all complicated mixtures, and milkshakes come from a machine.
What kid even knows who Milli Vanilli is? They might as well be erased from existence.
Computerized player pianos?!
Are they trying to say that Ken Burns used to do something else? I also think he does nothing but PBS docs. That's true, isn't it?
At August 28, 2006 10:26 PM,
C said…
thanks Kenny, i just wasn't processing it that way. i guess i'm old, it would be a lot clearer if they said "coffee has always come in milkshake form" or something. these people are just asses.
At August 30, 2006 3:59 PM,
lyan! said…
That list is gay. Surely they could spend that compilation-time better by learning to adapt to their new surroundings, i.e. the present.
At August 30, 2006 7:41 PM,
Instantd said…
This list was obviously written by my boss, or an alien. It's a sea of stupid.
My favs:
31. They grew up in minivans.
18-year-olds! The new homeless!
36. They have rarely mailed anything using a stamp.
Oh, really? How the hell else do you mail something? Smear lard on it and slide it down the sidewalk? Is there a memo I'm missing?
53. They have always preferred going out in groups as opposed to dating.
Ah, the class of 2010 - aka a class of eunichs and virgins! And Susie Moorehead did NOT stand up the professor in order to do rush week! Strange but true.
49. They have always been searching for "Waldo."
Little known fact: Waldo and the class of 2010 are joined by the bonds of love! One day, when all these lists and sweeping generalizations are behind them, they will find each other and consummate their passion in broad daylight next to a lamppost, but no one will see them. This of course is only after their marriage in a non-denominational mega church, where everyone wears striped shirts with white faux fur pants, and lip synchs to songs not sung by Milli Vanilli. Afterwards at the reception everyone will drink milkshakes, and wonder why the hell they went to Beloit College.
Geez, reading that list has made me more stupid. Apologies. That list is crap!
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