Please, discuss
So much to do before the end of the semester (Sunday). And so much crap happening.
I don’t have time to do the research right now, so I’ll leave some tv related questions out for discussion.
Why is this Danica Patrick all over my TV and foodstuffs? She drives a car, yes?
What exactly is the correct response if you break up with your boyfriend and he says he’ll kill himself. Is it totally wrong to say, “fine, go ahead, as long as you get out of my life.” And then be publicly glad you’ve kicked a freakshow like that to the curb. It’s totally not your problem because you’ve washed your hands of the whole situation. Right?
If you give your daughter up for adoption at birth, and 26 years later you find out she’s your daughter, and that same day she goes into a coma, are you really next of kin? Are you really allowed to make medical decisions for her against her fiance’s wishes? Not to mention steal her from the hospital, and put her in some private medical facility, not allowing said fiance to see her at all? Aren’t you not allowed any legal rights to her?
That Elliot guy who got voted off Americal Idol last night, how, ever, did they think someone with teeth that bad could make it in America? And dude! Can you imagine how pissed you’d be if you got kicked off by two tenths of a percent. I saw someone who looked just like him at 7-11 this morning.
Seriously, how long does the white house think they can keep up with the whole “illegal wiretapping is legal” thing? I’ve read the court cases, I’ve read the laws. I’ve read the freaking constitution. This is what I get for making my semester long project on a current even, more crap and no resolution on the horizon. And have your heard about how they’re watching journalists? It makes me want to cry. I’d threaten to leave for Canada again, but I don’t have a passport. And since I’ve last threatened, they imposed that requirement.
Okay, maybe that one wasn’t TV related. I can’t wait for the semester to be over. I’m not sure how much longer I can devote myself to bad news. I was kind of dreading taking a YA class. But, right now a summer of watching movies, and reading books on the beach doesn’t sound too shabby. And AX falls right in the middle of the summer semester. What better study of YA is there? It's not like the popular kids read books.
At May 18, 2006 2:42 PM,
Tommaso Sciortino said…
I feel like I just watched 36 hours of TV in 4 minutes.
At May 18, 2006 9:15 PM,
lyan! said…
And I think if you tell boyfriend to get bent, and he does kill himself, you'd feel bad. But I think everyone would understand why you broke up with him (He was unstable!)
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