Don’t Thank Heaven
I’ve managed to keep my 7-11 exploits off my blog lately. But I can’t let this one go. Apple cider has been at my 7-11 ever since that fateful day in November when it replaced my beloved pumpkin latte. This week, I walked in to find a new advertisement on the frothy drink machine, and a new label on the button. Peach pie a la mode. (30 seconds of searching and I can’t find any kind of link. I’m sure it exists though) Rationally, I knew it was a bad idea. But evoke ice cream, and you have my interest.
So, I gave the button a quick push, and got about 4 sips worth in the bottom of my cup. Wow, was it weird! Who would drink that? Who would give it the ok to be shipped out to stores? That guy should be fired. It had the same taste as Quaker Instant Peaches and Cream oatmeal. This is a taste I’ve loved since childhood, but get very upset and disconcerted when it comes in forms other than oatmeal. It was warm, creamy super-artificial peach juice. Arrgh. I managed to choke down most of it, but left a little at the bottom, thinking it wasn’t strong enough to affect the full cup of coffee. I was wrong, so wrong. It was much worse than the Take-5 hot chocolate.
But, you know what would be a really cool job? Buyer for 7-11. Their stuff is always interesting, good or not.
And in other ice cream news, have you seen the commercial war between Dryer’s (Eddy’s for you on the east coast) and Breyers? Breyers came out with their slow churned product to compete with the product Dryer’s put on the market over a year ago. But Dryer’s is advertising like it’s something new. And then, on of the companies (can’t remember which one) has the audacity to say something like “in the future all ice cream will be made this way.”
Dryer’s slow churned is a very good ice cream. They slow churn it, putting lots of air into it, which makes it creamy and good, etc. etc. It doesn’t taste different from the regular “grand” product. Breyers, I hate, I’ve never liked their ice cream, and I’m not spending a cent to try the new one, but I’m sure it’s consistent with their brand. But these are premium ice creams.
Ben and Jerry’s, Haagen-Daaz etc are super premium ice creams. They are made with cream that has more fat than the premiums. And, therefore, will never be the same as the slow churned. The whole product would have to change. And do you know what happens when you take the chunky monkey from an army of housewives? I don’t, but I certainly don’t want to find out.
I haven’t made ice cream in ages, I’ll get on that after finals. I’m definitely going to try to recreate my dark chocolate with Cocoa Pete’s Malt. And I could definitely do with a little alcohol flavoring.
At May 12, 2006 9:14 PM,
Zack said…
You have the craziest tastes. Splenda offends you but God knows how many artificial flavoring powders go into this 7-11 stuff.
I appreciate the Bad Food Updates.
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