ice cream making and ranting

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Dance your cares away *clap clap*

This is post 400! My blog has gotten way too negative lately. So I’ll forgo posting about why the county is so incompetent that it can’t even catch one little alligator and focus on happy things.

On September 6 the complete first season of Fraggle Rock comes out. I couldn’t be more excited. I thought I was excited when I checked the Best Buy ad on Sunday and saw they had a Fraggle DVD on sale. So I looked it up, to make sure it was a deal, and found the good news. It even comes with a replica notepad.
I really like the way my nails look when they’re painted, especially if I’m wearing a ring. I’ll look at my hands and for a split second I think I’m looking at the hands of someone much more exciting and glamorous than I am. To get this same satisfaction less of the time, I only have to paint my thumbnails, because they’re all I see when I’m driving.
Coffee is so good with heavy cream. It turns that beautiful caramel color, not that creepy gray color it turns when you add milk. I * heart * fat.
And on that note, I’ve made enough ice cream now that I’m getting confident in my abilities, and mostly my ability to pick a good recipe. I haven’t done anything crazy yet, like try one with gelatin or pudding mix, but maybe one day. Also, I’ve started making half-batches, which means I can make twice as many flavors but not have gallons and gallons of ice cream sitting around. Because, it tastes best right out of the machine, and then I kinda forget about it.

Last night and the night before I made good on my talk of chocolate covered strawberry. I couldn’t decide which flavor base to use, so Tues I made strawberry and Wed. I made chocolate. It’s pretty darn good. I chopped strawberries into about 6 pieces and painstakingly covered each piece with chocolate. You can’t immediately bite into them when they’re frozen, but after about 1-2 seconds in your mouth they turn out pretty well. I think this is a flaw that will keep me from selling it commercially—too many broken teeth lawsuits. In addition to the chocolate strawberry chunks, I meant to add chocolate flakes or a swirl to the strawberry base, but I forgot. It still tastes good, and I have a lot more tries to go before it’s perfect.

I’ve been using Trader Joes 70% Pound Plus bar, a bargain at about $4 for 17.6 oz. It’s rather dark and not very sweet. A bit too not sweet for eating on its own, but for covering strawberries and melting into the ice cream base, it’s fantastic. They also sell the pound plus bar in other varieties, but for ice cream, I think I’ll stick with this one. I’m not a milk chocolate fan.

If anyone will be in the area, I’ll take flavor requests, but do it soon. It seems that the kitchen remodel is happening about 9 months ahead of schedule, and starting mid September I may be sans-kitchen.


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