40 Year Old Man Who Can See Unicorns
I am so offended by everything about this 40 year old virgin movie. If I was one of those crazies who don’t believe in the constitution, I’d definitely demand this movie be banned.
I’m offended by people trying to make virgins have sex
I’m offended by 40 year old virgins.
I’m offended by the fact that once I left my comfortable suburbia and ventured into the city I couldn’t turn around without seeing the word “virgin” in mile high letters
I’m offended because I’ve heard/read the word “virgin” about a gazillion times in the last 2 weeks.
I’m offended by Steve Carell’s retarded mug
I’m even offended by the color orange on the billboards.
I can’t believe this movie exists. And mostly, I can’t believe it’s called the 40 year old virgin. They didn’t call “wedding crashers,” “people who go to weddings hoping to have sex with unsuspecting guests.” Even if you make a movie about a virgin, virgin doesn’t have to be in the title.
I don’t believe the government should step in and censor much of anything, but those billboards need to go. EDIT FOR CLARITY: In my world, when I'm queen they'll be gone. Because of my standards, not any sort of governing body of anyone besides me.--I pretty much believe in the argument that with any sort of media, you can turn off/ not read whatever offends you. I however, cannot ignore those giant orange billboards. That’s the whole point of billboards, to accost you with their messages. And when I have no choice but to pay attention, then shit goes down (or maybe I just throw a silent hissyfit)
I have not seen this movie, I have no idea what it’s about, but surely there’s a better title: Lame guy who rides a bike, Unsocialized Loser, and Freakshow, all come to mind.
The LA Times had good things to say about it this weekend, and so does IMDB, and the radio interviews I heard, so my chances don’t look good for just having this thing blow over
And everyone seems to be jumping on the bandwagon for some hot virgin action.
Basically, my point is this: I find it equally disturbing when strangers proclaim their virginity as when they talk about sex. I’m perfectly willing to have individual or small group conversations involving either subject. But when it becomes a massive media field show, it makes me want to cry. What the hell is wrong with America? Can’t it just keep its dirty (or is it clean?) laundry to itself??
At August 17, 2005 6:43 PM,
Zack said…
Wait, why are you offended?
The 40 Year Old Virgin is a far better title than anything you suggested. It has a P.T. Barnum vibe than none of your offerings capture.
The word "virgin" in mile high letters is brilliant, independent of its commercial raison d'etre. It is exactly why I put up with billboards in the first place. This is far better than last year, when there were harrowing CG pictures of Garfield looming over every city in America. It is also better than that "chubby women in their underwear" ad that has been clogging up BART for months. It is also better than ugly Dash Incredible ugging it up on the side of AC Transit buses. It is better than a lot of things.
You're offended that somebody has made a movie, a commercial creative work, about a virgin? Why? If you don't want to see it, that's cool, but to actively take offense?
If you were offended by the LA Times article, by the way, that's because you read it, and that was a choice you made.
"While I don’t believe the government should step in and censor much of anything, those billboards need to go."
Censorship should not be advocated or tolerated lightly. These billboards need to go ... because they piss you off? Sorry, no.
At August 17, 2005 9:11 PM,
C said…
Not offended by the LA Times article. Only slightly displeased with the Dove ads and Garfield. Neutral on the Incredibles.
Offended by the title, by laughing at virgins, by outing virgins, by the virgins themselves, by things that make me uncomfortable. Offended because I lead a normal life and I watch TV and listen to the radio and see billboards and I can't get away from what offends me. Especially offended by how creeped out looking at the billboard makes me.
This surburban mouse is staying in suburbia until this whole thing blows over.
At August 18, 2005 11:01 AM,
Sarah the Hussy said…
I am curious about the movie, but I have a feeling it will let me down in the same way Runaway Bride did- yes, I saw that POS. In a theater. With my mom. Stories about older virgins? Fine. Virgins treated as utter jokes because "omgwtfbbq why can't they get laid?" nonstop for ninety minutes is less cool. I want a reason why this dude is still a virgin that's not just "oh, he's a loser." Why does Julia Roberts keep running away from weddings? She's afraid of sex. Well, WHY? I just want to know people's reasoning behind shit. Childhood trauma? Just not that into it? Don't want to have to buy new sheets?
Eh, I'll probably still see it.
At August 18, 2005 8:03 PM,
Kenny said…
I'll probably see it early next week. If you can wait until then, I'll let you know how it is.
An MCAT student at Kaplan is on the phone right now talking about movie sequels, and how Spider-Man 2 and Terminator 2 are the only good ones. He is saying how he hopes they don't screw up the Deuce Bigalow sequel.
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