ice cream making and ranting

Friday, May 27, 2005


As much as I love my new toy, and the fruits of my labor. I'm a little afraid. My dreams were STRANGE last night. If the ice cream keeps giving me dreams like this, I may have to give it up.

Dream 1:

It's some kind of magical reality. I live with the good people, who guard some piece of jewelry that keeps everything good and right with the world. And of course the evil witch and her minions would like nothing better than to steal the stone and have the power to subject everyone to her will.

So the jewel goes missing. Where is is? no one knows. I totally freak out. I can't possibly live under the witch's rule. Should I kill myself now before things get bad? So we gather in some large school auditorium room. I'm totally freaking out, I decide I'm safest sitting under a table, and my best friend in the dream comes with me, along with a score of other freaked out people. We all hold hands, and I dont' know, something. Then the witch and her people stop by. it's not immediately clear if she has the stone, she apparently, often likes to terrorize us by dropping by. Today she decided to read us a story. She reads the story and leaves. She seems to know the stone is missing, but we don't think she has it. So, i gather the strength to walk and we go outside. It's like rapture, people are just missing. or one of those shows where you can freeze time, but you're still moving. Great, now I'm even more freaked out. And then my friend tells me about some place we can go. Supposedly we can form some kind of resistance, against whoever has the stone, in safety. That's pretty much it, there's no resolution, and really not much hope.


It starts pretty normal. I have someplace to go, but I have nothing to wear. Nothing. All of my clothes are like half clothes, they're all missing pieces. Finally I find something to wear, but I look down and one of my toes is super hairy, like a monkey. I get all freaked out, and shave my toe, everything seems to be fine. But some construction workers who are transporting orange port-a-potties see me and laugh.

I'm still a little creeped out by dream 1. Hopefully, It's just anxiety about getting old. My birthday is tomorrow. and I am 1/4 of the way to being 100. Because if it really is ice cream that freaks me out, I'll have no more reason to live.


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