ice cream making and ranting

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

the princess or the pauper

You've heard about the girl who went to her graduation, even though she was banned because of her pregnancy.

so the editorials have started pouring in:

Abstinence (and sexism) only: The vehicle is a bit too much on the liberal side,
but if this is true, *deity of choice* help us all.

From a survey of the 13 most frequently-used abstinence-only programs receiving federal government funding, Representative Henry Waxman publicized several examples of students being taught that a man needs “admiration” and “sexual fulfillment” from his partner, while a woman needs “financial support.” Another program teaches that “women gauge their happiness and judge their success by their relationships. Men's happiness and success hinge on their accomplishments.” And my personal favorite, a story in a series called “Choosing Best” told of a knight who decided to marry a common village maiden rather than a princess, because the princess kept giving him advice about how to slay a local dragon. The fable finished with “moral of the story: occasional suggestions and assistance may be all right, but too much of it will lessen a man's confidence or even turn him away from his princess.”


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