first, i may be shrinking. i'm going to start drinking more milk. i don't understand. all the hats i tried on monday were too big. then i bought a size 7.5 shoe when i usually wear 8.5. and yesterday at the mall, all the clothes i tried on were too big. and even a size smaller than i usually wear was roomy. i realize that i was sick and didn't really eat for 2.5 days, but i got my appetitie back and you'd think after christmas and christmas eve where i was constantly eating i would have gained back any weight i might have lost. my pants today are very loose. so i think i'm shrinking. i should know in a few days if i have to push my car seat forward, or roll my cuffs up higher than normal. i hope i don't shrink to nothing and disappear. i want to be a librarian before i die or disappear.
my second-cousin, or however that lineage thing works, got an eye-toy for christmas. i saw a commercial for it a few days ago, i was pretty sure it was witchcraft. some kids on tv were playing some kind of DDR game without a mat. usually i can understand all the commercials on tv, and i was perplexed.
but i've seen one now, and i know what it does. please forgive me if you already know this, but i'm still trying to figure it out. you hook the web cam looking thing up to the Playstation, and it films you, and somehow turns that into game controling. my bratty 8 yr old cousin got 2 games, a skateboarding or something (skateboarding without wheels?, snowboarding without snow?) type game that you control by moving your head side to side and stop by thrusting your arms out to the sides. it looked fun, but you can't pry a bratty kid away from his toys on christmas to try yourself. being a bratty kid of the new milennium with the attention span of about 2 seconds he didn't quite get the hang of this game and gave up after we all suggested that maybe the nickelodeon game would be a bit easier to start with. so i watched him play sponge bob bowling, jimmy neutron something and managed to play a krabby patty making game myself. there is quite a learning curve to this device, and the kid was just not getting it.
now i want one. this thing fascinates me, whatever it is, however it works. technology is fantastic! i'm pretty much not in danger of buying a playstation and the camera thing, but if you have one, i'll come over and play...what other sorts of useful things can we do employing this technology? do they do stuff now that i'm not aware of? (because that's likely) and how much cooler are videogames going to get? all you have to do is move around a bit and hit the things onscreen. none of those tricky buttons to learn. pretty soon they'll perfect that thought technology and things will really be magic.
meanwhile, i noticed an awful lot of videogames that involve actual movement of the player. can't get you kid to go outside and play baseball, then get him the videogame of it where he can do the exact same thing, just more hi-tec etc. i don't know how popular these things will be, but it's nice that the industry can say they're doing their part to get these kids to excercise.even though-- and this could be an entirely new post, but i'll keep it short-- it's no one's responsibility but the parents to keep their kids healthy and safe. no one else. not the fcc, not the library, and especially not private industry.
At December 27, 2004 5:13 PM,
Zack said…
Cynth posts about games = Zack comments within the hour.
The current EyeToy lineup, in brief:
EyeToy: Play. First game, a collection of minigames. I don't think there's much to this game besides novelty. It's more of a concept sketch for the sort of things the EyeToy can do.
EyeToy: Groove. Rhythm game. However, as there is now an EyeToy-enhanced DDR game, nobody will ever buy EyeToy: Groove ever again.
DDR [Dance Dance Revolution] Xtreme (sp?). EyeToy-enhanced version of DDR. I don't know how the tracklist compares to other DDR games, but most likely the game is good if you have a dance pad, and pretty lame without.
Antigrav. The game your cousin sucks at. I also sucked at it when I tried it in EB. This is currently the flagship EyeToy title. I didn't like it very much but, to be fair, it's maybe the least gimmicky EyeToy game so far.
Sega Superstars. A number of minigames based on various Sega properties. Play as Sonic and collect rings. Play as Nights and fly through the sky. Fight characters from Virtua Fighter. There is a Space Channel 5 game, too. Super Monkey Ball, Crazy Taxi, Samba De Amigo, Puyo Puyo, a soccer game, House of the Dead, Chu Chu Rocket, amd something else I am unfamiliar with but which seems to involve petting something small and blue.
Sega's got a bunch of good screenshots, but let me just skip straight to the solid gold one, from the House Of The Dead minigame:
Virtual zombie punch!!I'm sure great things can come of the EyeToy, or really from a future EyeToy that uses two cameras to triangulate, or something. The 2D limitations of the current device are frustrating, to me.
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