This is totally fake
The Librarian: Quest for the Spear
I totally thought that National Treasure crap would turn out to be fake. I was sure on opening day the energizer bunny would start stomping through the commercials. Certainly i didn't expect it to be #1. Much the way i don't believe in Applebees, I still don't believe in that movie.
But a freaking TNT movie. Please tell me that i'm too tired, and can't spot the tell tale signs of a hoax. because this movie can't exist.
At December 01, 2004 10:10 PM,
Kenny said…
Yeah, National Treasure sounded too good to be true.
This is awesome. You'll have to see it. I like how the Title: Subtitle construction implies that they're hoping for a Librarian franchise, or spin-off series.
At December 02, 2004 9:29 AM,
Sarah the Hussy said…
Well, there was an anime called Read or Die about librarians who save the world. Or something. I can't really remember- I'm very tired. Liberryans can totally be action stars!
At December 03, 2004 7:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
oh my gosh kenny, you're so right. i got this forwarded from the American Library Association. they're looking for librarians to review the movie, using this form. pay attention to the last question:
>>Stars out of four for overall estimation of "The Librarian"
>>Stars out of four for librarian image makeover in "The Librarian"
>>Brief movie review (5 lines or fewer):
>>What did you admire or enjoy most about the lead character?
>>What was the most "real" aspect of the film?
>>What would you have loved to see shown in the film somewhere?
>>What would you like "The Librarian" to tackle in any future
At December 08, 2004 4:49 PM,
Kenny said…
See my blog for a detailed synopsis of The Librarian.
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