Much Cuteness
I wouldn't mind one of these guys for christmas
Also, a bit more on the librarian. I sifted through some of the comments. and these super good library nerd ones struck my fancy:
I think having a call number label on the Spear of Destiny label at the end
would have been a nice touch. Or perhaps a copy of LCSH (library of congress subject headings) sitting somewhere.
his lack of social skills didn't bother me but the idea that he has all this
information in his head made me grumble. I'd like to see him be really good
at looking something up efficiently and accurately which is really the skill
that librarians should be proud of.
At December 12, 2004 10:57 AM,
Kenny said…
Seems like most viewers tended to like it, or at least enjoy it. Many felt that the tongue-in-cheek tone excused its laziness, or that it was intended to be a "spoof" of the movies it rips off. I didn't really see the spoof angle--like my criticism of Amir's videos, I feel like a spoof ought to have some clear elements of parody, like comic exaggeration or, you know, jokes, otherwise you're just making a bad movie and hoping people will laugh instead of cry. It's tongue-in-cheek, I'll give it that. You don't cast Newhart and Curtin because you're hoping for heavy drama (even though TNT billed the movie as an adventure-drama, not a comedy--after all, TNT Knows Drama).
But it really doesn't take it anywhere--there is no comic twist on the collapsing bridge or the invisible floor--it's simply played straight. The closest they come to a comic twist is waltzing past the darts. The only humor here is of the "so bad it's good" variety, though I don't think it quite made it all the way around that circle.
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