polite company
things not to talk about in polite company (read: work): religion, sex, politics, prison...
things i've unsuccessfully tried not to hear about at work: religion, crazy religious people, crazy religious people in prison who have visions, crazy people in prison, on drugs who have visions, high school kids having sex, why bush is good and kerry is a bad, bad, immoral man.
oh my freaking gosh. am i the only one who knows how to exist in polite company. miss manners would be appalled, she might faint of shock, but then she'd have to resist the urge, because they might start talking about God again. what you do on your own time is one thing. certainly, i'm not a prude, i just act that way so people will think i'm professional. i will not torture you by recreating the conversations. But i'm sure you can guess how they went. me, i was just sitting there trying to not be included. trying not to smack some sense into the guy who insists that the holy ghost came to his dad in a vision and make him quit drugs and drinking. he was on drugs and drinking for gosh sakes! i had to listen to like a billion intervention stories. when the virgin mary shows up on my grilled cheese sandwich, that's when i'll start believing in posession.
i really need to get a job in a library.
At December 17, 2004 2:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
We talk about prison a lot at work, but we also talk to people that are in prison. I think on the whole you are correct in your idea of polite company and conversation, Miss C.
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