As if my car doesn't have enough scratches
I was just innocently on my way to work today, just like every day. Stopped
at the light, because i'm not a bad person who crosses over the part you're
not supposed to cross over to get to the left turn lane. And just as traffic
starts moving again, i take my foot off the break and some freak in a big red
suv comes barreling down the part you're not supposed to drive on and
scratches the passenger side of his car with my drivers side mirror. So he
know's he's hit me, and stops abrubtly and signals like he's going to turn
into the jack in the box, but then just keeps on driving. it's a hit and run.
but more like a horrible lackluster low speed chase a la oj simpson. i follow
him for a couple miles down van ness, but he doesn't seem to be stopping. i
try to pull up beside him, and i see that he has a nice scratch on the side
of his car, but he doesn't seem to want to acknowledge me. and the last thing
i want to do is take on a crazy in an suv. so i copy down his license plate
number and keep heading to work.
i finally arrive and work and i see that only the part that holds my mirror
is scratched. i most definitely have less than $700 damage, honestly, a $4
bottle of gold nailpolish might fix my situation. my mirror holder on-er was
slightly scratch from before anyway thanks to a minor drive-thru incident (or
maybe it was a parking lot ticket machine incident, or maybe both, i can't
So my mom, who likes our insurance agent, calls him and inquires. he says just to document everything. i have a year to press charges with the police. and if for some off reason the other guy decided to make a claim, it won't reflect poorly on me that i wasn't the one who reported it. normally i'd love to see an asshole driver get arrested. but my friends have been having horrible luck with their incidents lately. one friend was in her car, in a parking lot and a truck backed into her. she wasn't moving. but she was in her car, parked in the spot, and the insurance found it to be 50/50 fault. also another friend was found 100% at fault when it most definitely was only partial. I don't need that crap on my record, so the asshole is going to get away. bleh.
maybe my dad will fix the scratches for me, for christmas. even though i've been not so subtly hinting that i want an ice cream maker.
so now my claim is documented, and all the identifying information is safely filed away. (c) 2004
At December 12, 2004 5:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
A friend of some friends, while pedestrianing, flipped off a bad driver in an SUV and the driver turned around, got out and started a fistfight. The friend ended up "going Tyler Durden on him" and spitting blood in his face, causing the driver to flee.
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