I guess this is growing up
So much blogging to do, so little time...here we go in reverse chron. order:
I've made it through another growing up milestone (read: i'm old). I've been asked, and I agreed to buy something through a school fundraiser. The wrapping paper is still super expensive, but the other trinkets aren't unreasonable, and quite a bit more attractive than the crap I had to sell for fundraisers. I just spend 17.75 on two things I don't need, yet, somehow will die without.
American Dreams came back on tv yesterday. After a summer full of watching fox and cartoon network on sunday nights it was a welcome change. I did a decent job of forgetting about it during the summer break, but when september rolled around I checked the NBC website to make sure it hadn't been canceled and started counting the days till yesterday. Unfortunately, it's now september 1965 and Meg's (Brittany Snow) amazing blonde curls have given way to her more modern, straighter hair. This makes me sad. I wish she would do a little less war protesting and a bit more hair curling, unfortunately the show is having her grow up. It won't stop me from watching though, I'm still hooked.
At September 28, 2004 9:03 PM,
Kenny said…
This is one of those shows that bores me to tears. I watched one once. So ponderous and self-important. I don't know how people can stand most hourlong dramas.
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