Dear Torrance City Council,
Are you people retarded? Or do you just enjoy making people's lives miserable.
First you stop housing from being built, now you're trying to make people have bad cell phone reception. What is your deal?
Torrance is a fantastic place, a great location, easy access to freeways, perfect weather. I would love to live there, but I can't afford it, because you're keeping housing tight. Instead, I work and spend my disposable income almost exclusively in Torrance. I even write checks to TUSD because I'm taking an adult school class. Is it too much to ask that I have cell phone reception from my class at Richardson Middle school in southwest Torrance all the way to my home in Gardena? I don't think it is, it's not that far. I get better reception in the middle of farm land on the 5 freeway than I do at the intersection of Crenshaw and Torrance Blvd. The same goes for my Grandma's house, she lives near Redondo Beach Blvd and Prarie.
Do you hate me? Is this a personal attack against me. Because it feels like it is. I would love to see a renovated Del Amo mall, and live near there and make all the phone calls I desire. It doesn't really seem like I'm asking for a lot. All of my dreams you just crush.
Mr. Dan Walker, you are lucky I don't live in Torrance. I should find myself a studio apartment and move though. Because I could give you a run for your money next election. Who are people going to vote for, someone who hates progress, or me, young, attractive with a strong Torrance base. I graduated from North High in 1998, and went through Torrance schools from K-12. All those people will remember, and vote for me. I stand for progress, I stand for consumerism, I stand for streets fixed in a timely manner, and I stand for clear cell phone reception for all.
When I win your job, you should think about moving to Berkeley. Their city council rivals yours on the causing trouble for residents scale. Have you ever thought about electing a tele-tubby for a city mascot or banning sitting on the sidewalk?
At September 23, 2004 7:20 PM,
Zack said…
What the hell? Build your own ugly cell phone towers in Gardena, build them two miles high for all I care. Maybe if you didn't spend all your money in Torrance you could afford to live there, and then vote for Dan Walker's opponent. Well I say God bless Dan Walker. Ugly cell phone towers don't belong in residential areas. At the very least they don't belong in the residential area where my family lives. It's not like Torrance is stopping all cell tower construction. They just want less ugly ones. Why is this objectionable in the least?
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