The reason I don’t give blood
It is very difficult to get a needle in my veins. Before, they told me I have small veins. Today they told me my veins are far under my skin. I’m not sure if this is in addition to being small.
The first nurse tried. I warned her. I gave her every chance to back out. Instead, she fed me lies about how great she is, and how other difficult people were surprised she was able to do it so well… So I clamp my eyes shut, and let her proceed. And of course she can’t do it. So, she gives up, and while I’m recovering my strength she has the audacity to add insult to injury. “How old are you? …Are you married?… Oh, that’s good, I got married too young… Do you have a boyfriend?…”
So, she sends me downstairs to the real lab, and after a long wait, where I almost walked out half a dozen times, the top lab lady manages to find the only suitable vein on the top of my hand. Luckily, neither hole hurts much now. But there is still friction mark from where she tied the rubber thing around my wrist. I’m very self conscious about it. … Sure, it was from when they drew blood….
At May 22, 2006 1:50 PM,
Tommaso Sciortino said…
It's funny, I have really easy to spot viens but I can't give blood becuase I'm prone to anemia.
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