February Assignments
I turned in a paper last Saturday. It was on the whole warrantless wiretapping fiasco, in the grander scheme of secrecy in general. I started writing it the same day. It was 6 pages. The only scholarly material I used came from class readings. The subject actually turned out to interest me. However, I didn't have time to do enough research. So I substituted emotion for facts. I got my grade back today. I was rewarded with 15/15 points. I shouldn't get 100% on a paper that embarasses me.
I guess that's what happens with preaching to the converted.
In other news, I got 91% on my first graded cataloging assignment. I earned that one. I wish the professor would be less guarded with his answers to class questions though. I'll write a long cataloging post one day. Until then, do you know that charts count as illustrations, but tables don't? And how are chart and table defined by cataloging? I just don't know.
I'm so over grades.
At March 02, 2006 6:56 PM,
Tommaso Sciortino said…
The liberal university conspiracy strikes again!
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