What's in a name?
I'd like to draw attention to this link from boing boing, in case, like me, you don't pay much attention to the posts without pictures.
A BLOGGER IS JUST A WRITER WITH A COOLER NAME: Why Blogging vs. Traditional Media Has Been Oversold
And it occurred to me that there is no such thing as blogging. There is no such thing as a blogger. Blogging is just writing -- writing using a particularly efficient type of publishing technology. Even though I tend to first use Microsoft Word on the way to being published, I am not, say, a Worder or Wordder.
It’s just software, people! The underlying creative/media function remains exactly the same.
Once again, we have to be reminded it's the message, not the medium that's important. Library schools are in a tizzy, so much legit information is becoming available for free online, how does one separate the baby from the barthwater? There were a few people in my online searching class (no, not just about typing words into Google) who were of the old guard and had no interest in learning how the kids are doing it these days. And I was pretty shocked at the lack of of exposure of some of these people, but quite happy to see many of them were going to hit the ground running. So, there's hope for my profession after all. I'm pretty sure it was my message board posts on blogging (and blog searching) that made me pass the class. Because it certainly wasn't my attention to detail in the dinosaur of a database we were supposed to be learning.
Mostly I'm just writing this post so I'll have the link to the article handy, next time I feel like bringing it up for class.
In other news, I just checked my grades this week. I got an A+ in my business reference class. It must be my first A+ since high school. This is completely unacceptable. I didn't do an A+ amount of work, and my comprehension of accounting standards and annual statements and ratios is sketchy at best. But, damn, did I kick ass on my presentation geared at undergrads. Grading is retarded.
At January 17, 2006 10:49 PM,
bb said…
No no no.. I disagree with this statement. Begin a young writer myself, one of the things I love about blogs is the ability to put images and text togather.
I would like to add that I agree with your sentiments that the media was never the message nor more important than the message. It just seems so pointless to create something void of meaning. Its extremely counter-humanistic..
At January 17, 2006 11:28 PM,
Kenny said…
I would only dispute that "blogger" is cooler than "writer." Despite the pride that bloggers have in themselves, blogging is still considered kind of a bastard medium for geeky, self-indulgent know-nothings. Even if you like blogs, is "coolness" really the selling point?
At January 18, 2006 8:30 PM,
C said…
Kenny is totally right. Blog and blogger are awful words, and they used to make me want to die. Luckily, they're so common now i'm building an immunity. Still, I don't think of myself as a "blogger," just someone who happens to have some free time and a gaudy pink blog.
As for cataloging the internet, only crazy people try to do it. But that doesn't mean there's not legit info. No one is going to take on the task of cataloging blogs any more than they'll catalog ca.gov. I have over 50 blogs i subscribe to now. almost 30 of them are by librarians who speak/ have spoken at conferences, and/or publish in the professional realm and/or hold positions in library associations and such.
My message is the same, if I didn't have a blog, I'd email pictures of sushi cupcakes. And marzipan babies are most definitely important! (if they were only less ugly, i'd get off my ass and edit the pictures to upload)
At January 19, 2006 12:31 AM,
Zack said…
Blog remains a wonderful, ugly word, properly English, compounded, mis-chunked, and barfed back onto the page. It's beautiful. If you two actually believed what you're saying you'd be on LJ or something, not Blogspot.
The message and the medium are both important, both interesting, both worth thinking about.
Now, talking about the nature of the novel is pretty dull, since we've all been reading them, learning about them, and thinking about them for 20 years. The mystery is gone, and all left of interest is the "message." Blogs are new, though. Blog was word of the year, like, pretty recently. "Year of the blog," they said. When was the last time it was "Year of the book?" Prog rock is the lamest music in the world, and that's only like 30 years old. Fucking printing press happened like five hundred years back. Who gives a shit? Revolutionary for its time, yeah, but so was the Gillette Mach 3.
Writing in books is old hat; the message is the only thing interesting about them. Blogging is new, and exploring the nature of the medium is part of what makes it interesting.
Bloggers: lamer than writers. Blogging: cooler than writing.
At January 19, 2006 12:34 AM,
Zack said…
I accidentally hit "Login and Publish" instead of "Preview" and as a result you all missed out on a reference to the Schick Quattro. My bad.
At January 19, 2006 9:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
I’m totally wrong. Zack is right, it’s the medium and the message. I’m totally uncomfortable with all the blogging about Phil. Not because I’m evil, but because, for me, it’s way too public a forum for as private a thing as grief. Being informed of life altering info via email, also unacceptable. That said, the medium doesn’t make it any less true.
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