..or maybe this is why we can't have nice things
I can only guess that the jerks who are ruining Christmas are the same ones watching this Deal or No Deal show.
And now they're making more episodes.
For those of you who haven't had the sheer horror of watching this show, this is how it goes:
The set is similar to Who wants to be a Millionaire with the silver and the lights and the lameness. But, instead of a likeable Regis, there’s a bald headed Howie Mandel. And instead of trivia, there’s nothing. There are a bunch of models, all wearing the same dress, and each one has a suitcase. The contestant comes out and picks a suitcase. And that’s the end suitcase they hope has $1million in it. Then, one by one they eliminate suitcases. They’re hoping to eliminate all the low valued suitcases. And periodically the “banker” comes on the “phone” and offers you some amount of cash to quit the show immediately, to which the contestant replies with “deal” or “no deal”. If that’s not boring enough, they play up the suspense. And, instead of the 3 Millionaire lifelines, they have 3 friends or family members on the stage with them for moral support, or to freak them out, or something. And these people take it SERIOUSLY. Seeing as how it’s a game of luck, there’s not a lot of skill involved. But the contestants actually believe luck = skill. My goodness, it’s awful. I can’t believe it exists, let alone is popular. I’d threaten to leave the country again, but I understand that it was a hit in Europe before they brought it here. Bleh.
At December 24, 2005 4:31 PM,
Kenny said…
I guess this proves that it was the false suspense rather than the easy trivia that people liked about Millionaire in the first place.
I wonder if the show would be better if viewers knew which box was the right one. If that would add dramatic irony or just destroy what little suspense there is?
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