RapSnacks is a private company, and it is also hard to find info on them. According to their tagline, it’s the “official snack of hip-hop.” They were founded in 1994, I don’t know where they’ve been all these years. They have a large handful of flavors, many based on BBQ (because that’s apparently what the target audience likes. Insert your own stereotype joke). I picked up a bag of “back at the RANCH” potato chips with the slogan “Education is knowledge.” I also got a bag of “Honeydew” cheese puffs that say “reading is fundamental.” And, as one would expect from a boutique chip (and not really expect from a rap product) they’re really good! The ranch chips were good, more like sour cream and onion than cool ranch flavored. But the cheese puffs were markedly different from anything on the market. They were pretty much bbq flavored cheese puffs, and after the initial confusion of flavors in your mouth, they really grow on you. There is no honeydew in the puffs, but there is honey. Is honeydew slang for something in the rap world (besides the obvious)? Or maybe rappers are just confused? Confusion or not, I will to try more flavors of RapSnacks. They are yummy and maybe I’ll learn a thing or two.
At October 25, 2005 12:47 AM,
Zack said…
Education is knowledge isn't educational.
At October 25, 2005 12:03 PM,
C said…
I think it's meant to be inspirational
At October 25, 2005 5:22 PM,
Zack said…
I think we just made our own rap snack ;-)
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