Magical Endcap
I am going to have to start tracking how much I spend at 7-11 this month. It doesn’t feel like much at the time, and it brings joy to my otherwise dreary workday. But I’m afraid I’ll break $30. Why didn’t anyone ever tell me how great 7-11 was? It sure is a good thing I got rid of my ex, because he knew, but was never able to share the magic with me.
On Beth’s sage advice, I checked my 7-11’s magical endcap. And there they were: Platinum Bar-B-Que Rap Snacks with Master P on the bag. (who he is, I'm not entirely sure, and am less sure every second ever since my satellite stopped giving me MTV) I’d love to give a product review, but something terrible happened, and everything on the magical endcap of magical new products was dirty. Not just a little dust, but gross and dirty. I was also going to try the apple ginger ale, but alas---dirt. I’ll have to try another 7-11. I have to say, I feel a loyalty to my 7-11 that I’ve never felt before ever since I had a conversation with the guy about the pumpkin latte.
Not dirty, was the frothy hot drink machine (maybe I should look up what that thing is actually called). And next to my beloved pumpkin latte (which turns out to be perfect in a ratio of 3:1 or 2:1 pumpkin latte and cinnamon coffee) was spiced apple cider. More fall! The cider, while no pumpkin latte, is surprisingly good considering it comes out of a strange machine next to very unsimilarly flavored beverages. It’s almost as good as the spiced cider from Trader Joe’s, and it doesn’t taste as cloudy and gross as it looks.
At October 20, 2005 2:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
the problem with 7-11 is that everything there is 2x the price for 1/2 the size you can get in a normal store. and do you know how long those hot dogs spin around in their little ferris wheel before some poor soul buys them?
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