Love and Hate
Someone loves and appreciates me (and Cinderella and Fraggles) even if you guys don’t! Unfortunately, it seems, he’s married. All the good ones are. He also seems to know a lot about Disney. So, Mr. John Frost, if you have any insider info on the upcoming Shag event , please toss some my way. It will be my first trip to Disneyland this decade.
And there’s also hate for me in the blogging community. It seems my post from August 8 was picked up by LA Blogs on Sept 25. I don’t want to start a war or anything, so if you’re interested follow the link from my previous post. In defense of myself, the only thing on the site at the time was a list of blogs on the sidebar. There was no other content. In fact, seeing the site now, I would retract what I said and call it a promising upstart which has potential to unite a blogging community. But if they’re going to be mean, whatever.
At October 17, 2005 2:01 PM,
C said…
i don't think i did the trackback thing right. anyone know how it works?
At October 17, 2005 2:34 PM,
Sarah the Hussy said…
I don't.
The comments on your post (on their blog) are lame and uninspired with their meanness. I mean, if you're going to cut someone down, you could at least try to be creative.
At October 17, 2005 3:07 PM,
Zack said…
That's the Disney Blog guy!
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