I want to go to Disneyland
But going by myself seems like a very, very, very sad thing to do. Someone, please come with me!
I will spend a lot of money, but I want to go on Nov. 12 for the Shag event. He's not as cool as Mary Blair, but much more alive.
He will be signing cool stuff.
More cool Disney Shag stuff
Honestly, how often does Disney endorse the word shag? I would think they'd make him change his name before he could do art for them.
At October 11, 2005 1:07 PM,
Kenny said…
cool looking stuff.
Stephanie's sister is always talking about bringing her kid down here and going to Disneyland with us but who knows if that will ever happen.
Your friend Ryan (calif) is disgusting.
At October 11, 2005 1:35 PM,
lydia said…
ewwwww. That IS gross.
At October 12, 2005 9:37 AM,
Sarah the Hussy said…
Ew! Why the hell did I feel the need to go look at that?
At October 12, 2005 11:11 AM,
C said…
this is a post about all things good and happy. please refrain from comments unless your comment is "Yes, I would love to accompany you to Disneyland. What time?"
And if your answer is anything other than that, please prepare for my scorn.
rainbows and unicorns,
p.s. I'm not above bribes. what do you want (short of full admission)? I cannot go alone. And unlike Cinderella I have no anthropormorphized animal friends will turn into footmen.
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