Most Wanted
I’ve never tried to hide my love of Hilary Duff from my friends, or random strangers. And I’m pretty unapologetic about it. Blondes with curls I always like, and that was my first impression of her. And that Lizzie McGuire is a good show.
I am, however a bit embarrassed about purchasing Hilary Duff paraphernalia. I’ve always liked her more as a tv star than a singer, but her new album is exactly what I want out of my teen idols—hits without the fillers. But my head was somewhere else the first week the album went on sale, and I didn’t buy it. And now I can’t get it on sale! I went to the $9.98 CD sale at circuit city, and it was the only new release they were out of. I thought, for sure, they’d have it. And some bitch-ass girlfriend was rather upset at the really annoying guy blocking all the CDs. NO she did not want Kanye West, she wanted Hilary Duff. They both seemed equally annoying, so I see why they’re together, I just hope they don’t have little annoying babies
And today I rushed out to Best Buy during lunch to pick up the special Best Buy edition of Fraggle Rock. It turns out I didn’t need to rush, there were PLENTY of Fraggles around, I don’t know why I was worried. So I stopped by the Hilary Duff section while I was there, and it was empty. This seemed strange. And then I tried the new release section, and there it was in all its $14.99 glory Hilary Duff’s Most Wanted.
$15, they want $15. I don’t even pay $15 for a good CD, I’m not paying it for teeny bopper music! I had resigned myself to the fact I'd have to pay $13, but that extra $2 leap was one I wasn't going to make. I didn’t realize that in order to own teeny bopper music I’d have to be a crazy teeny bopper fan girl and buy it the second it came out, in order to get it for a good price. Bleh!
So instead, I have 700+ mins of Fraggles to watch (a deal at $30) and whatever untold treasures are on the Bonus CD-ROM. And I'm very excited, although I've told myself that I can't watch it until after my presentation this weekend and my assignment due next mon. is turned in.
I may have to take to the internet to fill my Hilary Duff quota.
At September 06, 2005 7:05 PM,
Zack said…
Yeah, the problem with things marketed towards people too young to work is that the prices are determined by how loud the kids yell.
When you say hits without the filler, are you saying that it's a 3 song CD? Or that you are delusional?
Anyhow, if you're still on the lookout, you might be able to get your Duff fix on the cheap.
At September 06, 2005 10:08 PM,
Kenny said…
It's hits without the filler because it's a greatest hits album ludicrously comprised of the greatest hits from all *two* previous albums. So actually maybe there is still some filler. But less.
At September 06, 2005 10:25 PM,
lydia said…
Zack has been really weird today, and no, it's not funny. I apologize on behalf of his double-spamming. jerk.
At September 07, 2005 9:37 AM,
Zack said…
Ohh, Robbie Williams did that when he released his American "debut." I think they used to do that to the Beatles, too. Weird for a domestic artist, though. Did she include two "bonus tracks" to trick the fans who already had her previous albums into buying it? Because I hate that, but at the same time it makes the devil inside me giggle.
At September 07, 2005 12:52 PM,
C said…
yes, bigstupidjerkface, I am almost that delusional.
this guy's take on the whole best of thing. He's totally reputable, i mean it's printed on the internet. he's willing ot make excuses for her even more than me.
It is merely a collection of all of Hilary's biggest hits and non-hits, some the same as the previous two albums and some remixed, as well as three brand new songs recorded exclusively for this album. Basically, Hilary is just so busy that she doesn't have time to do a brand new album, and so this is the best thing she could give fans to tide us over until the real new album comes. So stop saying she is trying to pretend she has enough hits to do a greatest hits album because it's simply not true
At September 07, 2005 3:35 PM,
Kenny said…
Zack, the double-spamming was funny. As long as it's only on Cynthia's blog and not mine.
At September 08, 2005 11:07 AM,
C said…
dude, beth, don't drag Hilary down with heavy content. there was a library post 1 below. I'll try to get to answering you after my hectic weekend--
but here's your short answer: libraries aren't going anywhere
At September 08, 2005 10:32 PM,
Zack said…
How are the three new songs, by the way? I mean, when you hear them.
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