ice cream making and ranting

Thursday, September 01, 2005

some library blogs

Since it feels like I have more work than I can possibly finish by next weekend, the lure of procrastination is strong, strong, strong.

I’d like to point out a few things, like this post on Katrina

This sounds awfully naive for someone who has lived on three continents, but losing a whole city doesn't sound like the sort of thing that's supposed to happen in America.

That’s pretty much my feeling. Also, I can’t possibly wrap my head around that much water. Especially this week, it seems my lack of sleep is not making me very bright

This post from the Feel-Good Librarian really makes me wonder (or maybe it’s the aforementioned lack of sleep) if I really have what it takes for a public service job. First of all, I hate strangers. And secondly, what would I do in a situation like that?

Last year a girl in my class (maybe only a year older than me) was talking about a problem patron who kept asking for help with the computer—annoying yes, but it was the racist, homophobic content of his computing that she couldn’t deal with. My advice to her was 1. she’s only a page and she should let the librarians handle what she didn’t like—at her salary she barely got paid enough to come into work, let alone deal with the creeps. 1. As a young, small, and attractive female she has a lot of power, and simply telling a supervisor that he makes her uncomfortable should be enough that she never has to deal with him again.—This was advice for her current situation. But it can’t apply when you’re the one in charge

I think the feel good librarian could ethically (and legally) choose not to help someone who was doing something she believed to be illegal. But when the situation is not illegal, just bigoted, ethically you have to help them as much as you would anyone. And I’m hardly unbiased.

And to end this post on a lighter note. Here’s a truth if I’ve ever seen one in a comic strip.


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