What the world needs now is cupcakes, sweet cupcakes
The world doesn't need more cupcakes, it just needs a better cupcake distribution. I see those sad cupcakes on the day old shelf in the supermarket with their frosting getting all gross and runny. They are crying, because it is the job of a cupcake to make people happy, and if they can't do it, they are failures. Cupcakes want to bring joy to all the land. they're a symbol of all that's good and right with the world. They're like rainbow brite or something. Really, I just need more cupcakes in my life. Not that I think I'm too skinny and need to eat cupcakes on a daily basis, quite the opposite really.
The thing is, I'm not quite ready to be fully grown up. I have a few suits, but still giggle when I put them on. He, he, he I'm playing grown up today...And while I'm quite happy that I've been legally allowed to go into bars for a few years now, the abundance of alcohol doesn't make up for the lack of cupcakes.
Today is just one of those days that separates kids from older people. Kids celebrate random holidays with cupcakes or at least those cookies with colored sugar and lets not forget that horrible punch they sell in the gallon containers that is basically crack (i hate it, it's awful and makes me cough, but i can't get enough). Whole classrooms turn colors for things like v-day, st. patrick, memorial day etc. it's these minor holidays that really make a difference what age you are. cupcakes, apparently, just don't cut it in the real world. instead you go to work, devoid of spirit, a majority of the people in my office aren't even wearing green. There are no baked goods. quite possibly, the only communal sweets are the easter chocolates i keep on my desk. then, some of these people will head to a retardedly crowded bar, drink some beer (which may or may not be the color beer should be) and they'll enjoy it. And, I say, this is because these people have no youthful enthusiasm. No imagination: oh, it's a holiday... ok, lets drink.
Y'all know I have no problems with the act of going to bars, and I certainly enjoy drinking. But why can't cupcakes be incorporated somehow? Drinking is all fine and good on a normal day, but for these psuedo-holidays things need to be stepped up a notch. I know that beer and cake are pretty disgusting together, but that's beside the point. Plenty of other things are disgusting together, like margaritas and salt, but that's never stopped anyone.
If you're lucky enough to have cupcakes around you today, have one for me. And if not, know that you're not alone, drowning your cupcake sorrows in a creepy green pint.
At March 17, 2005 4:05 PM,
lydia said…
oh, our office is green today. And my sherbet punch (key lime, because Andronico's doesn't know what real rainbow sherbet is supposed to look like) was a hit. We're also all sporting "Kiss Me I'm Irish" Mardi Gras necklaces, even though for me it's a lie, and I just finished passing out the (multi-culti) green fortune cookies. My student got one that said, "You speak fluent blarney." True dat.
At March 23, 2005 11:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
This was a great post, Cynth. Insightful and heart-warming.
I am making cupcakes for the next non-Easter holiday where I'm going somewhere that isn't school. Which means... Memorial Day? Whatever. Warm up the oven, because it's on now.
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