ice cream making and ranting

Monday, March 07, 2005

Oh my gosh, they're trying to kill me

I'm not usually paranoid, or I should say, I'm way over my adolescent paranoia. But they're trying to kill me at work. First, my boss gives me her illness last week, and a spend a good 2-3 days with a lingering headache, no energy and the suspicion that I have a brain tumor. The brain tumor is gone, and magically I had enough energy to go to class on Sunday, after spending the good part of Saturday deciding that watching tv was too much work for me.

Now, now, oh my gosh. They've cleaned the carpets over the weekend, but didn't bother with any sort of ventilation. I walk in, the whole office is damp and smelly. Really, damp, the windows were all fogged up before I forced them to keep the door open. And it's making me sick. Surely OSHA or someone would like to hear about this???

When I go into politics, I think my platform will be sick leave. If you boss gets you sick, you should get all the paid time off you need, and it shouldn't be deducted from your normal sick leave.


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