it's a small world after all
I walk into belly dance class, in south torrance, last night. i was 15 mins late as usual, but the class hadn't started yet. and the girls are just sitting around talking. and i walk into class, barely even set my stuff down, and hear this:
he went to berkeley, for like a semester, but dropped out. now he works at starbucks
he got a 1600 on his SATs
I had no idea how this conversation started, but there was no doubt in my mind, who this conversation was about, so i joined the conversation "he's from torrance?" she responds, thinking i mean the high school and not the city "west" and I say "Zack F******" and she looks at me like I'm crazy, and says, yes it is indeed Zack. Her name is jessie something, it kinda sounds like heffalump. Apparently she's friends with Julia, and lives 5 doors away. and her mom is friends with Zack's mom.
I tried to restore some of your good name, Zack. I told her you were in school for longer than a semester, and now you're back. And I mentioned something about you living with Lydia. And she couldn't remember much about Lydia, but she seemed to have a very positive opinion of her.
I mentioned how I was on the phone with Lydia like 15 mins before I walked into class. and we all had a good laugh about how small the world is.
And the conversation turned to the other lady's 12 yr old son who got a 1300 on the SATs and spent the summer at Stanford learning about earthquakes, or something. So i guess I'll never find out how the conversation started.
At March 04, 2005 12:21 PM,
lydia said…
wait, am I supposed to know this Heffalump girl too?
At March 04, 2005 10:51 PM,
Zack said…
So we don't know why I was brought up? Well, whatever. At least now I know what the Jeopardy clue version of my biography is.
At March 05, 2005 7:54 PM,
C said…
I didn't realize it was a secret. I'm a bad person now, I guess.
and Lydia, I don't think you know her. I think you just have a good reputation.
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