ice cream making and ranting

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Craft Corner Deathmatch

Oh, goodness! Never have I wanted to be in New York more, or at least watch the Style Channel.

Read the fantastic NY Times article here

and the not so great, although much shorter reuters article here

competitors had given themselves nasty, if minor, cuts. "Which is fantastic," Mr. Taberski said, his eyes lighting up. "The fact that someone drew blood on a crafting show? It's exactly what the show should be."

UPDATE: I think that both Lydia and I were posting this at the same time. But she pressed the button a fraction of a second sooner. So she was able to post, and blogger couldn't handle a second deathmatch post at the exact same time, and decided to reject me.

I heard the commercial for this about 6:40 am when I wasn't quite awake yet. I was pretty sure I was imagining it, so I looked it up as soon as I could. And it really does exist!


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