happy new year
It's the end of the year, for everyone in europe already the 31st, which means no work for me. So, i thought i might try this, putting this in the running for my worst post.
The best thing i did this year was start library school, putting me on a good
path for a real career. maybe in a few years my ultimate goal of owning a
house will be realized. i realize that means i'll have to get a new goal, or
maybe i'll just die happy the next day.
the second best thing i did this year was start this stupid pink blog which
caused a chain reaction up and down the state, keeping me in regular contact
with people who i want to be in regular contact with, but would be in much
less regular contact with without the blog. as far as i can see, the blogs are the next best thing to hanging out, and they make me really happy. so keep it
my deep fryer was a great present, although i haven't used it to its full
potential, yet. and i may be getting over it a little, i haven't used it much
lately, it's not nearly as much fun by myself. i'm glad my donuts turned out so delicious, but rarely do i need an entire batch. and now that i don't go to
long beach anymore, i'm glad i can fry my own salmon, but that is also not
really worth it for a single portion. if 2004 is the year of the deep fryer,
2005 will be the year of the ice cream maker. if frying doesn't give me a
heart attack, the heavy cream certainly will. it killed mr. baskin, or mr.
robbins, or maybe both.
2005 ought to be better than 2004 for me. i'm dreaming about the day i quit my
job. i may quit after the fiscal year profit sharing May 31 or i may wait
until the major conference we're holding in July, depending on how i feel and
if they let me play a major role. i think conference planning would be really
good experience. and maybe i'll actually learn something from the job besides
how to lie to customers to get them off your case.
after the spring semester i'll be done with my core classes, they say things
get a lot more interesting after that. all electives. i might be able to start
a practicum by fall, if i really get my act together. my work this semester
has been satisfactory at best (although it doesn't seem to be hurting my
grades). my goal for next year is to write something stellar that i can submit
for scholarships, awards and/or publication, or at least write something that
will be a good base for something in the future. the library world is small, my program is not particularly competitive, all the really bright, hotshot
people are at UCLA. i could probably really shine if i wasn't at
work 40 hrs a week.
Goal for the year: stop consuming non-dairy creamer. finish the box in my
desk. by the end of the year, only put things i can identify in my coffee. it
shouldn't be hard, non-dairy creamer is always disappointing, yet i keep consuming. i don't understand.
At December 31, 2004 12:11 PM,
lydia said…
HAPPY NEW YEAR, dearest, pinkest Cynth!
I really do hope you get an ice cream maker soon. Then for Anime Expo, I'll have to get a hotel room with a freezer, and you can bring me ice cream in addition to chocolate-covered strawberries ;) Did I tell you that you made my day that day?
have an absolutely brilliant 2005... if we're not stupidly drunk, we'll remember to give you a call tonight when everyone's around.
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