ice cream making and ranting

Monday, October 11, 2004

Purse dogs

My other new obsession, a week or so older than this new internet fridge thing is dog purses, and then purse dogs.

you know i like my animals on the side of retarded,, cats with 4 ears, neopets etc. and i don't even like dogs, but when they're like cats, or completely retarded looking i do. and at the avocado festival, there was the retardest dog i'd ever seen in real life. it was all weird and furry like a dog slipper. this gave me hope that one day i would find my own retarded runt dog to love and carry in a purse.

unfortunately no one who i've told about my new purse dog obsession thinks i'd make a good dog owner. they all pretty much think that one day i'd bring my dog home, leave him zipped in a purse for like a day, and he'd die, because it was retarded to begin with and needs special care.
so maybe there's service where you can rent purse dogs. Like a library, they'd just sit on their shelves in their purses and you could check on out for the afternoon and bring him back. surely there must be money in that somehow. like a purse dog petting zoo or something?

As far as Zack's nintendo dogs go, they're just retarded enough for me to like. And virtual pet interaction has always interested me, I have no idea how i escaped through the furby craze without owning a single one.


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