Best stuff on Earth?
I don't know how you can make something from the best stuff on Earth, and have such a lousy oucome.
Snapple white tea is awful! The new commercials had me interested, even though they annoy the hell out of me. And they were sampling it at the store this weekend. So I tried a mini cup of Green Apple white tea. Thankfully it was a mini cup. You know when there’s like half an inch left of tea in the bottom of the glass, and a bunch of ice, and the ice melts, and you’re left with some tea colored water? That’s what it tastes like, plus it’s sweet. Basically, I’m saying don’t buy it, it’s not good.
Checking Snapple’s website, it seems they make a product called Just Plain Tea Unsweetened. I’ve never heard of it. Has anyone tried it? I’ll keep an eye out for it. It’s very hard to find single serving packages of regular tea (my guess is because regular tea isn’t really shelf stable)
More website reading shows that Snapple has discontinued the line of 100% juice in favor of flavored sugar water. This does not make me more confident about their plain tea.
Full disclosure: I like normal, regular, lipton black tea. I don’t like flavored tea. Sometimes I will add 1 bag of flavored tea to 3 bags of regular for my sun tea, this is adding flavor to regular tea, and is much different than bland weak flavored tea. I’ve never really liked the Snapple product, even though I secretly admired it’s alternative image.
At June 22, 2006 11:09 PM,
lyan! said…
Snapple has never been good. I too tried to give it the benefit of the doubt because it had "apple" in the name. Unfortunately, there was also an implied "red" to that apple to parallel it with THE WORST TYPE OF APPLE IN ALL THE UNIVERSE.
At June 30, 2006 11:52 AM,
Kenny said…
I <3 Snapple.
At July 14, 2006 1:06 AM,
Zack said…
I'm with Ryan. Don't trust tea that I don't see brewed.
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