Friends don’t let friends watch Napoleon Dynamite.
You are all bad friends!
I thought I was missing out on some kind of pop culture phenomenon. I thought that I was the lamest person on Earth, because I couldn’t be bothered to rent the DVD. I thought my life would be better once I was clued in. since it was on my list for class, it was enough impetus to finally watch. Now that I’m signed up for a 30 day free trial of blockbuster online, the barrier to entry is relatively non-existent for most DVDs. So, it came in the mail, and I popped it into the DVD player.
I almost fell asleep. What a horrible movie. How did that get popular? The only good thing about it was the opening credits, and even that could have been better. If there wasn’t a llama, I probably would have ended up slitting my wrists, just to make it be over. As it was, it took all my willpower not to down the half a bottle of vodka that gets in my way every time I try to get the soy sauce out of the cabinet.
None of the characters are likeable, none of the things that happen are believable, it's ugly to watch, and just generally horrible. Not since Slacker has such crap been said to define/influence a generation. Please, just kill me now.
At June 20, 2006 5:05 PM,
lyan! said…
Oh, you survived.
I agree it was made bigger than it ever should be. I felt like people in the audience liked it because they got to laugh at this loser on the movie, and then secretly he became their hero, and then when he wins, you feel happy for him.
At June 21, 2006 10:46 AM,
Zack said…
Cynthia, I recommend Napoleon Dynamite. I think you'd enjoy it!
It is uncomfortable and ugly and unbelievable on purpose. I disagree with your assertion that none of the characters are likeable, although I respect your right to be wrong.
Also, doesn't Netflixing movies feel kind of like you're holding
job interviews? I don't think I like it.
Anyhow, for me the Stevie Wonder dance scene was 2 minutes solid of me smiling the biggest, dumbest smile by face allows. It's unfortunate that you waited until the overquoting and hype was three years stale. Part of the movie's charm is that it was unexpected. That doesn't mean it was overrated. It means she who hesitates is lost.
At June 21, 2006 11:22 AM,
lydia said…
It was fun, but I saw it early on and in good company. I still like the idea of having tots in my pocket.
But for me, it's not like Office Space where I can watch it over and over and quote the lines. I don't know if I'd recommend either movie to you.
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