I realize it’s the little things that are hardest to grasp when you move to another country. But, I didn’t realize how little.
I learned how to staple the way I learned most everything, in America. What I learned, and subsequently do was to staple parallel to the top of the page, only a little ways in—between ¼ and ½ inch in. While I know it would be better to staple diagonally, I learned that way, and I can’t really change.
My boss, however, seems to like stapling at about the 2” down 1” across point. This is uncool, rather annoying, and makes flipping the pages back rather difficult. I've been dealing with it for 19 months now, it's not *really* that bad. Maybe that’s what they teach in France?
But today takes the cake. I received some papers back that were stapled exactly in the middle at about ¾” down. Who does that? Is it just really poor coordination? Is that what they teach in China? It was ridiculous. I made giant creases when I had to flip the pages back. Staples are there for your convenience, not to make your life miserable!
I never realized how much something this little could annoy me. Does anyone else have staple stories?
At November 30, 2005 7:51 PM,
Kenny said…
I used to staple diagonally and then I started stapling the way you do. I think it looks neater. I don't think it's any less functional, really.
At December 01, 2005 10:46 AM,
Zack said…
Look, let's be sensible about this. The factors impacting ideal staple placement:
- how out of the way of page content it is
- how likely it is to rip or wear heavily when pages are flipped. That is, how much surface area of the staple and paper shares the force of the flip
- how ergonomic a staple placement's "ideal flip" (for a fast, non-destructive result)
- how standard the staple placement is among people sharing the stapled documents.
The worst possible angle for a staple is diagonal in the wrong direction, as that makes tearing almost inevitable, it wastes the most page space, and nobody is used to it.
After that, a vertical staple is the next worst, since flipping it ergonomically will result in a tear. I don't think I'm out of line when I say that the ideal flip starts at the page's bottom and flips it up and to the left. After all, to start a flip on the right means that you have to awkwardly cross your hands. Alternately, you could flip with your right hand, but THAT'S INSANE. The ideal motion is mostly vertical.
The perfect staple, in a world where existing QWERTYesque stapling standards didn't exist, would probably be something between the diagonal and horizontal standards that you guys are talking about.
Unfortunately, fascist octagonalists like you two can't seem to appreciate angles less boxy or obvious than 0 or 45 degrees, and staples will tend to gravitate towards either extreme, especially when introduced into an office culture, where one fascist octagonalist will lead the office in a slow drift towards one extreme. After that, an ESS (evolutionarily stable strategy) is achieved, and rival staple meme finds it nearly impossible to infiltrate the office.
Even worse is a set of two opposing fascist octagonalists which turn the office staple culture into a partisan, nonproductive bi-octagonalist wasteland. Prisoner's dilemma and all that.
Personally, I think the diagonal staple is superior, between the two. At least it better suits my wild, animalistic page-flipping style. But ultimately the most important thing in choosing between these two viable (though not ideal) staple styles is in which will result in a smoother office as a whole.
Of course, stapled documents arriving from outside the office may swing things either way.
And perhaps the quiet, concealed glee of stapling things just to piss other people off would help less successful staple memes survive, at least in cases where management isn't so strict as to formally write up people who use variant staple styles. And perhaps that private glee offsets, partially or entirely, the offset in productivity.
This is a complicated issue!
I had a high school teacher who really did care about this shit. If you used a diagonal staple, you got marked down. She didn't express her reasoning in evolutionary terms. Instead she couched that, like she couched everything, in the pagan haze of "professionalism." Whatever, Ms Dennis!
At December 01, 2005 2:10 PM,
Xryz - kingofallcosmos said…
Reading this on my break, I thought that maybe I should take inventory of how I staple items. Given that stapling is largely an unconscious action, I thought that I would be relatively consistent. To my surprise, it appears that I was stapling most items vertically until a point in time earlier this year when I switched to an orientation mostly horizontal to the top of the page. This does not mean that I am consistent, as I found a document from two days ago that I had stapled vertically, but I am stapling horizontally now for the most part. I do not keep my stapler in a set place on my desk, so that probably has the largest impact on staple orientation. Your boss sounds very wrong though.
PS I am not sure if I will be able to unconsciously staple anything for a while.
At December 01, 2005 3:07 PM,
C said…
Thanks Zack! I haven't been called anything as cool as a fascist octagonalist in ages, possibly ever!
At December 01, 2005 3:07 PM,
Xryz - kingofallcosmos said…
Staple Update:
I have been cleaning up my desk this afternoon, and stapling a large volume of documents. I have stapled most of them vertically, and occasionally stapled them horizontally. It is a subconscious act until after the item is stapled, at which time I notice the orientation. I have determined that it is entirely determined by the way that I grab the stapler. I am the only eyes that will see most of these documents, but I cannot imagine that the orientations would be any different if I were stapling for others to read.
At December 01, 2005 3:28 PM,
lydia said…
What the world needs now is round staplers, maybe ones that hover (with magnets?) so you wouldn't know how the staple would be oriented until after stapling.
At December 01, 2005 4:45 PM,
Kenny said…
I agree that a slight diagonal is more functional for most page-flipping needs, but I think the loss involved in stapling horizontally is pretty minimal and easily offset by the aesthetic advantages. You can claim that mainstream tastes are too narrow-minded, but office culture is not the place for avant-garde stapling and that's just the way it is. Go work for Greenpeace or something, maybe they will like they way you staple. Plus, consider that some pages may have content that extends very close to the margins (forms and whatnot) and a diagonal staple might in fact interfere.
At December 02, 2005 12:56 AM,
lyan! said…
in the middle!
and we have a machine here in japan that, well, it pokes through the pages in alternatig directions, so basically in the confusion, the pages end up sticking together and there's no staple even used. can't really use it to flip through a lot, but if it's... yeah, i don't know how it'd be good. I'll experiement.
At December 02, 2005 1:15 PM,
Zack said…
but office culture is not the place for avant-garde stapling and that's just the way it is.
No! That's the way it is for a reason: natural selection at the meme level.
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