I believe 100% that technology has made, and will continue to make life better. Yet, other than my computer, I don’t own any technology gadgets. For some reason I’m just not an early adopter, or even a medium adopter at this point.
As for video games, they completely baffle me. This weekend I pretty much filled my video game quota for the year with Nintendogs, Karaoke Revolution (with dancing) and Guitar Hero. All of these, with novel interfaces. And there’s not much more to love than novelty and good interfaces.
I’ve played Karaoke revolution before, and I’ve played DDR before. The karaoke concept really struck me as novel. DDR stopped being novel, long ago, and now just taunts me as I often say “I’ve got rhythm, just not coordination.” But combine the two, and wham-o, back to novelty. Sing and dance, neither of which I can do, fantastic! I managed not to fail at my first attempt at Hilary Duff’s “Fly.” It’s harder than it looks though. Those performers deserve their millions.
And, the next day there was Guitar Hero. Guitar Hero, as you can imagine, but might not think about at first glance, features songs that feature guitar. Said songs are unfortunately not often ones I like, sometimes not even ones I know. I made a respectable showing for myself on the easy version of the easy Ramones “I wanna be sedated.” It was actually kind of boring once I figured out what my hands were supposed to do. I should have tried a medium song, but then I started washing dishes, or something.
The tea party wasn’t really the core audience for guitar hero, I think. Many of them were the young sort who only listen to current popular music, and not the ZZ Top, Ozzie, Black Sabbath people. I would like to see a different, more 90’s alternative version or something. I don’t think metal should have all the fun. Also, the tea party suffered from self consciousness. If you’re not willing to make a fool of yourself and try plastic guitars in front of your friends, who can you make a fool of yourself in front of? Still, it was a fun party game for most. Now when I see something like that I no longer have to wonder if it’s something super fun that I’m missing out on. No, it’s just regular.
Guitar Hero is a fun party game. But, I can’t imagine playing by myself to beat all the levels or whatever the goal is. Unlike even a plastic taiko drum where you’re actually beating out real rhythms , all you’re doing with Guitar Hero is pressing buttons. It seems like if you have that much dedication you could get a real guitar, and a video, and spend the time learning a real song. “Strumming” the guitar to navigate through menus is pretty fun though.
I can't wait for singing, dancing, guitar playing and drums all together. It'll be like a 1 man show.
As you all know, Lydia wants me to get the pink Nintendo so we can play things together. I was at the store, staring at it when I realized that I have no room in my life for video games. I wasn’t raised with a game system, and I just don’t know when I’d fit one in. It’s fine if you’re taking Bart everywhere. A DS is much lighter than a book, and there’s nothing but wait time. But, I don’t have that time. Still, I’m struck by novelty of the touch screen and microphone, and whatever other features I don’t even know about.
At November 23, 2005 4:18 PM,
lydia said…
Animal Crossing comes out on Dec. 5. I'm not quite sure how it works yet, but I want to be virtual neighbors, Cynth!
At November 23, 2005 4:20 PM,
lydia said…
whoops. forgot the link:
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