Mass bird-feeder ruffles some feathers in Lawndale
So much goodness in one little article.
Apparently, since the area is so prosperous, middle class and uneventful, birds are news. They are also friends. First there was the crazy guy in Redondo a few weeks ago, and now Lawndale. This is why I love the area: ample parking, freeway accessibility and lack of strife.
So, this lady feeds birds. No big deal, until we find this nugget buried in the article
Herrera started feeding birds years ago, after she was laid off from her longtime job... "It was entertaining," she said. "It cheered me up."
CRAZY! She's a shut in and doesn't leave the house.
And later on we find out that she contacted PETA for help, and they refused. She’s even too crazy for the crazies!
The other thing to worry about is Lawndale’s knee-jerk reaction to invoke bird-flu. Luckily, the Breeze is legit, and got a dept of health guy to offer a dissenting opinion.
At November 02, 2005 8:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hello there! I disappeared for a while there, but now I am back, resurrected, bright and lively, and only slightly worse for the wear...
How are you? There's a lot of catching up to do, I'm sure, and I'm first to admit that it's my fault that I went under radar for so long...But now that I'm a student again, I'm trying to be on AIM more (which is really to say, at all), so maybe we can actually run into each other at some point.(Even though I've been bad about keeping in touch, I still think of you every time I watch Unwrapped, and I have since become addited to Good Eats...)
Anyway, hope you're well (it sounds like it), and hopefully we'll run into each other online at some point...
At November 03, 2005 11:39 AM,
C said…
At November 04, 2005 2:23 PM,
Kenny said…
Stephanie wrote that headline.
At November 04, 2005 4:42 PM,
C said…
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