if you don't expect too much from me, you might not be let down
along with being food and drink filled my weekend was music filled.
barely had i gotten off the plane and a drink is in my hand and the karaoke revolution starts up. If i remember correctly the first thing I sang was hey jelousy, prompting us all to declare how old we were (except maybe zack). I don't care what anyone says. this is a good song, and it makes me happy. and even though it was stuck in my head for 3 days, and i'd randomly start humming, it didn't make me mad. I was just embarassed, in case anyone realized what i was singing. although the lesson for the evening was that even though my favorite ex-roomate and I are good at many things, being david bowie and freddy mercury is not one of them. although the real conclusion is that sad robots are adorable!
I never did much music shopping while in Berkeley, but evertime I visit I'm so excited to go to amoeba and dig through used cd's, and more importantly, cassette tapes for my car. So far, I'm very happy.
My Alphaville singles collection makes me very happy, and I started listening to my adam ant tape this morning, it seems to be promising. i also got u2's war, and a random 80's compilation. $3 for 4 cassettes! i have a feeling this may be the end of an era though. the cassette section is dwindling. so i guess i'll just have to get a new car soon, one that has a cd player.
As far as cd's go, I didn't get weezer from amoeba, they wanted $13 for it, which seemed a bit much. I bought it yesterday from Best buy for $10. it is very poppy, i'm not sure about happy, because i didn't really listen to the lyrics, but it puts me in a good mood. i just wish it came in a jewel case like normal things. i hate trying to be responsible for those paper things.
Thanks to Matt for steering me to the correct Shakira cd. Although it took me like a million years to figure out where she'd be filed. After going through every section, I finally found the "latin" section on the floor underneath something very important, like the african section or something. i spent a good 5 minutes furious, and trying to console myself that when i'm a librarian everything will be organized in a reasonable manner. So amoeba has a few strange categories. my trip to best buy revealed that they file shakira in the rock/ r&b section, where normal people put popular music. finally i listen to the cd it turns out half the cd is music they play in my belly dancing class. I thought the instructors had some kind of knack for finding good dancing music from various places. turns out, not so much. if it wasn't for shakira being born, we might have to dance in silence.
Not having enough halloween music, I picked up new wave halloween hits. most of the tracks are almost good, and some of them actually are. then there's that god awful sonic youth smack in the middle. worth $6 I say. it's almost impossible to find a cd of halloween themed songs that i mostly don't know already.
if only i could stop singing gin blossoms. I'm sad now that i didn't bother looking for that cd.
pretty much unrelated, except by the fact that elvis is a musician: he has a mini series on this week. I watched for 15 mins last night. here's what i learned priscilla was 14 when they met, he was, i don't know, but old enough to be in the army. because of this he wouldn't have sex with her (even though they'd been dating for a long while) and she begged and begged. because sex is bad? he did however hook her up with some kind of drug resembling speed. because drugs are good? that's when i stopped watching. boys are so dumb!
At May 13, 2005 10:08 AM,
Sarah the Hussy said…
"i spent a good 5 minutes furious, and trying to console myself that when i'm a librarian everything will be organized in a reasonable manner." I just wanted to say that I quite like this sentence.
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