I don't like whole grains
So, the new food pyramids are out. I can't see them, but supposedly they're up. Let's hope the website is fixed sometime before they release the next fad.
Based on pure sight, I think they've made the fat/desert category less
visible. Alcohol is also included in this category. I don't know if it was
even mentioned before. And I'm not about to do the 5 minutes of research needed to find out.
I already eat a lot of fruit and veggies, and increasingly more dairy. For some reason I've bought into the idea that yogurt is good for you, even though it's full of strange things. The new category that replaces the previous carbohydrate category is "grains" and they want you to eat more whole grains than refined. Healthy yes, but I hate whole grains.
They're all whole and obvious and stick in your teeth. I do like oatmeal,
but not plain, and when you add all the sugar and fat needed to make it
taste good, it may just outweigh the benefits.
Also, popcorn is a whole grain, apparently. I guess so, it fits the whole and sticks in your teeth criteria. When was the last time you ate plain, air popped pop corn? or
knew anyone who did. According to the love of my life, Alton Brown, you can
hardly even buy an air popper in California, they've way fallen out of
fashion. Although they're still available in less cool states. (if anyone
else said this, I'd challenge it. but i'll believe anything he says). So
whatever disease you get from not eating whole grain, I'm sure I'll die
from. In the meantime I'll just have to eat double the refined grains
pretzels, bread, noodles, pancakes and breaded, deep fried food all day long!
They seem to be doing a good job of hiding the info on sugar. Normal people-- the kind who would think the Google part of my reference final is hard-- wouldn't find it. Now, anyone who knows me knows that I love sugar, and I don't believe it's bad. Surely a cup full is less healthy than an asparagus spear. But, I believe that it's much healthier than any sort of 0 calorie sugar substitute. Anything besides water that has 0 calories is too creepy to consume. But no one is mentioning that
And here's the section on trans-fat. but no one is mentioning all the creepy things they're starting to experiment with something that isn't on the short list to be regulates
One day, maybe i'll be able to reconcile my pure and utter disgust with fake sugar and the fact that I have no qualms about genetically modified food. Maybe it's because I believe genetically modified food will taste good, and I know for a fact that fake sugar does not.
So, throw away that old food pyramid you have lying around from 4th grade health, and let the new administration decide what you should eat. I wonder how much money this will cost for schools and things to get new materials.
Me? It's almost summer, and every week I'll be scouring the sale ads for an ice cream maker. I don't know if I should get the kitchenaid attachment for my mixer, or buy a cheaper stand alone model.
in other food news:
CDC Links Extra Pounds, Lower Death Risk
take that food pyramid and being healthy!
At April 20, 2005 4:59 PM,
Sarah the Hussy said…
I cook real food in real fats with real seasoning. Like, you know, vegetables in butter. It may not be healthy, but at least it's real. Fat/sugar/salt substitutes freak me out. Splenda is just nasty- you can SO NOT substitute in in baking.
You can probably find an air popper in garage sales. I saw a bunch of them at the White Elephant Sale in Oakland.
Can't help you on the Kitchenaid attachment decision. I haven't needed to do anything out of the ordinary with mine yet. My brother's got the meat grinder and he loves it.
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