ice cream making and ranting

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Peer pressure

Since all the cool kids are posting about their homework, I'll start too.

I have my horrible Management and Organization class which is basically eating my soul. It's asking me to believe, no endorse, management skills, techniques and procedures that my common sense tells me are pure and utter crap. You're either born a leader or you're not. You can either handle work without crutches or you should work in retail. Bleh. I have my final paper due May 7. I can barely make sense of the topics, much less pick one and do the research needed to write it. Bleh. On the up note, I have a presentation on Virtual Reference on Saturday, which actually has been a good excercise for me because we're actually working on implementation of something concrete, rather than kicking around murky ideas that mean nothing. Also, it's the first time i've used powerpoint. I'm pretty impressed with it.

To make matters worse, My cousin is having a "put wedding favors together" party on May 6. If I don't finish the horrible paper early, I can't go!

My Reference class, up till this weekend has been a bit too easy. No paper, no book and plenty of Google. I wish my ethics weren't so good, otherwise I'd post my final. I may end up posting part of it anyway, just so y'all can see. I'm pretty sure that everyone who reads my blog could pass. I got the final yesterday morning, which was good, because I got a good chunk of it done instead of sitting here bored at work.

This weekend though was horrible. I kept making major structural changes and I kept correcting the grammar, and it kept not sticking. I was ready to cry and scream. I think i finally got it to stick, though I'm too afraid to look at the final draft that was turned in. That assignment wouldn't have been hard if my group didn't keep ignoring my changes. Honestly, I believe that we would have failed the assignment for not following the instructions if I didn't put the smack down.

If anyone wants to write my Management paper, I'll totally trade assignments with you.


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