Victoria's Secret may be my friend, maybe
But really, i think she's the girlfriend who sticks around pretending to like me, just so i'll spend my hard earned money.
I hate crowds, you all know that.
I went on monday, the first day of the sale. It was crowded, as to be expected, but bearable. Mostly just single women intent on bargain hunting. I don't mind digging around in bins with people who are generally considerate and not obnoxious. it's good because you're sifting through the bins with people who are generally your size, and somehow i find that comforting. I picked up a few things, and ended up quite happy.
I went to a different store at lunch yesterday. Not crowded at all, not even a line for the dressing room. I made a purchase, generally pleased with myself, but longing for Laura pjs.
So i stopped at the south bay Galleria store after work yesterday. They recently remodeled, and expanded, usually it's a very nice store. It was crowded beyond crowded, i could barely make my way around the store, and i wasn't even carrying one of those giant tote bags. and to make matters worse, the crowd was 50% children and super fat people.
Call me mean and horrible if you want to, but 2 of the things that belong least in an underwear store that sells the idea of sexy and angels and tyra banks are children and fat women. First, what is in the store for either of those groups? Some of the stuff barely fits me, it aint gonna work for women who weigh over 100 lbs more. it's a very unpleasant thought, thinking they'd actually squeeze all those fat rolls into something in the store. Please stick to Layne Bryant, please. And children. uggh! as if they're not bad enough everywhere else. We all know that sex leads to children, please don't advertise when I'm being sold on the idea of sex goddesses.
wanting to get the horrible taste of the galleria out of my mouth, i took a visit to south coast plaza last night. The v.s. rivals the beverly center's one in beauty, and selection. And after i got over the disappointment of not having laura pjs, it didn't disappoint. by 8:00 the store wasn't too crowded, and it's super big, so the crowd was dispersed. The women were generally youngish, skinnyish and beautifulish. With the exception of the early college aged rich, snobby, oc born and raised girls in front of me in line for a dressing room, people were generally unobnoxious. after trying on like 5 gazillion things that my local stores didn't carry, i settled on a few things, including an amazing corset top. i'm pretty sure it's for wearing in public, and unlike Lydia, i don't think that very often. So, someone needs to take me out!
in conclusion: when i own a store there will be a minimum age/maximum weight rule, i reserve the right ot refuse service to anyone. this will prove to be counterproductive if i open a cookie store--oh well. also, i might discriminate just based on if i like your look. I should probably give up this library thing and become a bouncer. it's fun excluding people!
because of this v.s. clearance, i'm about $180 poorer. please keep me away from the mall! but i guess i'm making up for june, when i hardly bought anything.
At January 05, 2005 11:55 PM,
Zack said…
Oh dear.
Well, to be perfectly honest I think the problem is your inability to ignore people who you ought to ignore. Truth be told, though, I sympathize with you. Lingerie stores obviously trigger all sorts of unconscious body-image comparisons, and because we, as a clothed society, associate undergarments with undressing and therefore nudity, seeing underwear and a person sort of triggers the mental image of a person-in-underwear gestalt. So I guess you could say that any fat or ugly person who isn't a halfwit should know that their presence in a lingerie store is a wanton act of disrespect, akin to smearing neural shit all over someone's occipital lobe. Obviously ugly people should also not be allowed to stand near Clavin Klein ads or next to televisions which may be broadcasting pictures of attractive people.
Maybe it's unreasonable to expect people who are probably extremely sensitive about their body image to spend so much (almost necessarily painful) time thinking about such a source of their sadness and insecurity, you know? I know it can be hard to fathom that fat people would seek solace in the human affection they hope they can barter for with their purchases at Victoria's Secret. Maybe you ought to either (A) suck it up and enjoy the price you pay for the convenience of shopping centers and the amount of merchandise you get for the price you pay, or (B) don't shop at Victoria's Secret during the semiannual sale.
At January 06, 2005 12:19 AM,
lydia said…
well, I enjoyed your post, Cynth, and Zack can suck it up or not read your blog.
At January 06, 2005 11:49 PM,
Kenny said…
Don't worry about Zack's comment. He's forgetting that Fat People have no souls.
At January 13, 2005 4:38 PM,
C said…
since people are actually commenting: there is nothing in that store that morbidly obese people can fit into. maybe a large robe or two, but that's it. why are they there? i'm not talking about a few love handles, i mean really over the size of 2 full grown people.
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