Some of you know, I have a rather embarassingly large collection of s'mores figurines that started with a single purchase during the summer of 2001.
these things are damn cute, i mean look at this turkey, who wouldn't love that? and this bunny .
but they've gone a step too far with the smores nativity. really, those people are going to hell forever. if i was god i'd turn their children into marshmallows and see how they like it. i may go to hell forever if i buy it, and it's $20. but it might be worth it.
God bless those girls scouts who first published the recipe back in 1927. i'm sure they never could have imagined what smores would turn out to be.
in other smore news i saw this in the target toy book this sunday. Instead of one of those expensive burner things, why not pay $10 less, and get a far inferior product. just get a plastic flame and a lightbulb and make smores like you'd used an easy bake oven. (lightbulb not included, of course)
At November 02, 2004 8:52 PM,
lydia said…
Wow, the nativity is really pretty good. I kind of want to get the smorkey for Zack's mom. For X'mas two years ago, I got her a ceramic butter dish from Pottery Barn with a turkey on top. Last year it was a pewter(?) turkey bottle corker from Williams-Sonoma. There's no reason in it, but I've been really happy when I finding these kinda-ugly/kinda-cute turkey shaped presents, so I'm going to carry on the tradition. I already have one for this year, but because I know his parents read our blogs (and could therefore *possibly* link to yours), I won't reveal what it is yet. But Cynth, it's *adorable*. You'd like it too.
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