ice cream making and ranting

Friday, October 29, 2004

it's beginning to look a lot like christmas

now that halloween is almost here the christmas season has started. i'm not refering to the decorations and ornaments that have been creeping in since july. but this week i went to rite-aid for some pumpkin ice cream and there it was. the beginning of the christmas acohol displays. and this year i'm going to be smart about it. i'm going to assess my needs for the entire year, and unless it's something i really, really, really want, i'm only going to buy alcohol that comes with prizes.

i certainly need some prizes to cheer me up now, because i lost the halloween costume contest. so freaking lame, i lost $50 to someone dressed like a homeless person. i should really quit my job now, because i don't want to be surrounded people who reward ugly over cute.

here's a link to my sister wearing the costume, from some nice stranger boy

also, i didn't win the "guess how many m&m's are in the jar" contest. i was all mathmatical about it too. but apparently i over estimated how many m&ms would fit into a square inch. i guessed 1500 and it was really 1250.



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