Workday amusement
Poor Jaime from Portugal has a very, very loose grasp on the english language, yet writes very long, complicated emails that he expects me to understand.
One of the things he does is call me Mrs. Cynthia. He addresses everyone by title and first name. I'm not going to correct the customer on a trivial thing like this, especially when I'll never meet him. And really, it's more important that he knows to just use my first name, or to use my last name with a title. But after months of this, the other lady handling his account sent him this email without my knowledge:
Hi Jaime,
Cynthia is "Ms" and not "Mrs.", she's not married yet, she's only 20 something :-)
T [name deleted] :-)
so Jaime responded:
Dar Mrs T
Thank you for our alert.
She is young and pretty, thats correct?:-))
Please this Sales Order send by FEDEX, please
and she responded
Yep... CORRECT!!!! And NO PROBLEM, we will use FEDEX.
Thanks :-))))
I think I'm this close to having a portugese boyfriend now! I think that's how it works in that country.
At October 19, 2004 7:57 PM,
Zack said…
Easily your best post this month. Do office workers really try to magnify the effect of smiling emoticons by repeating the ))))))) ?
At October 19, 2004 10:30 PM,
lydia said…
A Portugese boyfriend is really a very exciting prospect. I mean, ham and cheese in that country is super-plentiful!
At October 20, 2004 4:53 PM,
C said…
my guess would be that it's a trait of people who didn't grow up in america, rather than office workers. i'll do some research and find out more
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