dimetapp induced ranting
I know I threatened to defect from California if an action movie star became governor. But i stuck around, knowing that i needed to rely on the state for a decent, cheap education.
But now i'm ready to leave the country for the next few years, maybe forever if the new judges that haven't been appointed yet piss me off. There are plenty of good library schools in Canada, and when you pay for them in Canadian dollars, after the exchange rate, they're not so expensive. I bet Canada is perfectly nice, albeit rather cold.
I'm looking forward to my new life of drinking absinthe, buying cheap prescription drugs and making maple syrup.
Anyone want to come with me?
My dad isn't quite ready to leave the country though. He'd prefer if all the west coast blue states just started their own damn country. And that doesn't seem like too bad of an idea. We'd have all the Washington apples and coffee; oregon lumber; california cheese, avocados we could possibly want. Also tourism money, and lots of it. Everyone will want to visit Disneyland in the new country! so what if we're lacking all of the middle america factories for things like packaged food. we'll just have to buy more snacks from the 98cent store. i've always been california-centric, i won't miss anything east of california. i won't even miss anything east of knott's berry farm. who needs the south when you can have mrs. knott's fried chicken and biscuts. i promise to be a fair and just queen.
it's a damn good thing the auction for the coat i want on ebay ends today. buying a new coat will probably suitably placate me and i'll forget all this nonsense. it sure is great being a girl.
At November 05, 2004 10:33 AM,
lydia said…
You could make Madonna Inn one of your many castles! The other ones would include Sleeping Beauty's castle, of course (now known as Cynth's castle), a few major Las Vegas hotels, and the Pelican building.
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