Rant: Splenda
Splenda did me in again. But I'm learning my lesson.
I went to the 98cent store today at lunch as I often do. And they got
in a lot of cool new stuff since I went last week. So I was distracted
and happy as I wove my way into the grocery section. And I was craving
something that was ridiculously flavored, and I stopped in front of the
Jones soda section in the fridge. Did i want blue, i always get blue, i
should try something else. how about green, hmm maybe. Vanilla cola,
could be good, but I'm in the mood for something fruity. chocolate
fudge, i remember trying a chocolate soda like 15 years ago and it was
the worst thing ever. then i see it. Watermelon, that could be great.
So i picked it up, avoiding the one with the kid making a funny face,
opting instead for a skateboarder. Wow, this was gonna be great! A new
flavor of jones soda!
In chosing Jones soda I passed by the large display of melon soda in a
super cool metal bottle, imported by Sangaria, Torrance. product of
japan. I pick up a bottle of that on my way to the checkout as an
And i pay, and get to my car, very excited about trying this new
watermelon flavor, i crack open the twisty cap, take a sip, taste the
watermelony goodness going down my throat, and pause. "Hmmm, something
is a little strange" i think. So i look at the front label. No, it doesn't say diet. So i look at the nutrition label. 90 calories, that's suspiciously low, but it does have 89 more calories than diet soda. then i start on the ingredient list. carbonated water, corn syrup,
color... splenda. the last ingredient is splenda. I bought Jones's version of C2. UGGH. I was so disgusted with myself I had to stop drinking, even though it wasn't horrible, just a little off...
Splenda, is slightly less disgusting than the other fake sweeteners, but not less disgusting enough. and really, why do they think they can just stick it in stuff and not have people notice. at least with nutra sweet and the like the packages are CLEARLY labeled. grrrr.
So, I'm learning my lesson. I will try to stop making horrible impulse purchases at the 98 cent store. I know that horrible bottle was meant for me because the fortune said "you will find much fufilment with someone special very soon" surely, that was for me.
Meanwhile, this melon soda is fantastic. I may have to go back and buy a case. This will not be a horrible impulse purchase if i still want it tomorrow.
At August 06, 2004 8:30 AM,
C said…
it's a good thing i'm not Matt, because i could never marry someone who thinks that way.
At August 09, 2004 7:03 PM,
Sarah the Hussy said…
Hi there. May I share a Splenda-related story?
A couple of years ago, I bought the Splenda packets when I had a coupon and used them in my tea for a while. The change wasn't really noticable from my usual sweetener. Then I started on a stupid diet and was looking for ways to lighten up my banana bread recipe. I had seen some ads about how you could replace sugar with Splenda, so I bought some more (of the non-packet variety) and tried it out. Completely inedible. The only thing the bread tasted of was gross chemical sweet.
Don't bake with Splenda. The ads lie.
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